Are cars the new beer? You might think so from the latest spate of high profile crowdfunding campaigns. As new securities regulations go into effect that allow significantly larger amounts of capital to be raised, a new breed of issuer is grabbing the spotlight. In the last several weeks, boldly imaginative car and aircraft makers have […]
Podcast: Whither Impact Investment in a Global Economic Slowdown?
The new year started with the worst-ever stock market performance ever. As January ends, rising interest rates, falling commodity prices, devalued currencies and the slowdown in China confront investors with multiple challenges that are not likely to disappear anytime soon. In that context, is impact investment a promising new approach, or a soon-to-be-forgotten afterthought? Listen to the […]
Paris Climate Deal Seen Costing $12.1 Trillion Over 25 Years
If the world is serious about halting the worst effects of global warming, the renewable energy industry will require $12.1 trillion of investment over the next quarter century, or about 75 percent more than current projections show for its growth. That’s the conclusion of a report setting out the scale of the challenge facing policymakers as […]
New report: $12.1 trillion must be invested in new renewable power generation over next 25 years to limit climate change
To reach the level of investment in new renewable power generation needed to avert dangerous climate change, $12.1 trillion of investment will be needed over the next 25 years, which is $5.2 trillion above business-as-usual projections, a new report by Ceres and Bloomberg New Energy Finance concludes. “Clean energy investment is poised for rapid growth,” […]
Is the Recovery of Wild Fisheries the New J-Curve for Impact Investors?
In a sign of healthy competition, not one but two private equity fund managers are gearing up to raise tens of millions of dollars apiece to bet on the recovery of coastal fishing industries and local communities in the developing world. The Sustainable Ocean Fund plans a $50 million first close later this year, and […]
A Solution to Urban Blight? Crowdfunding’s Potential to Transform Cities
Editor’s note: The following is part of an ongoing series of posts about U.S. financial innovation enterprises and initiatives. Since the market crash of 2008, financial recovery for some major American cities is still an uphill battle. Cities like Detroit and Atlantic City have faced an array of forces stifling positive growth, from crime […]
Closing the Gap in Low-Carbon Finance at the Climate Risk Summit
UNITED NATIONS — Slushy sidewalks notwithstanding, climate leaders passed through UN security Wednesday with a spring in their step. In a reunion of sorts for the COP21 climate agreement in Paris, an all-star, all-expert cast descended on the United Nations to prod investors into urgent and aggressive action. No rush, guys.Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the […]
Top Ten Climate Finance Reports – Big Path Capital in Partnership with Leading Global Impact Investors Release SmarterMoney+ Review at Investor Summit on Climate Risk at the United Nations
A special edition of the SmarterMoney+TM Review was released by Big Path Capital today at the 2016 Investor Summit on Climate Risk at the United Nations in NYC. The SmarterMoney+TM Review highlights top articles and leading reports on the intersection of climate change and finance. The featured articles were chosen by well-known leaders within the […]
Is Student Debt Crushing Millennial Entrepreneurship?
Mention the words entrepreneur or founder, and images of ambitious, be-hoodied youth might arise. Thanks to Silicon Valley, youth and entrepreneurship are intertwined in the popular imagination. But the reality is starkly different. Millennials lag behind older age groups in starting and running their own businesses. And a new study suggests that student debt loads […]
Lift Off, or Crash Landing in 2016?
Economic Commentary January 2016 | First Affirmative Financial Network By Mel Miller, CFA | Chief Economist During 2015, the financial media was fixated on predicting the date that the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) would raise short-term interest rates. The Fed Funds Rate, the interest rate member banks pay to borrow from the Federal […]
The One Thing We Still Need in Order to Get to a Low-Carbon Economy
The global clean energy industry has plenty of reasons to feel good these days. First, there was last month’s historic COP 21 Paris climate agreement, forged by 195 countries, which eclipsed most people’s expectations in its breadth and scope toward achieving a low-carbon economy. Then, the U.S. Congress approved a five-year extension of wind and […]
500 Global Investors Managing Trillions Mobilize Action in Wake of Paris Climate Agreement
On the heels of the historic international climate agreement in Paris, more than 500 global investors gathered today at the United Nations to begin mobilizing the trillions of dollars needed to catalyze the global clean energy transition. Speaking just days after scientists confirmed that 2015 was the hottest year on record, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon […]
After a Successful Proxy Season, Walden Asset Management Sets Sights on 2016
By Robert Kropp. The sustainable investment firm reports on its shareowner action during the 2015 proxy season, and begins 2016 with resolutions addressing corporate climate change lobbying and emissions reporting.
WEF16: Promises and Perils of the Hi-Tech Revolution
DAVOS-KLOSTERS, Switzerland, January 25, 2016 (Maximpact News) – At the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, 2,500 business, government and civil society leaders from over 100 countries visualized a future rich with technological advances as they addressed the forum’s theme, “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” On January 20, at the opening of the four-day […]
Metamapping the ecosystem building the next economy
At the end of December last year the Next System Project co-hosted a webinar with Real Economy Lab (REL) and the New Economy Coalition on “Mapping the Next System” (video viewable in its entirety here). Over 500 people signed up for the webinar, testimony to the growing level of interest in understanding the evolving […]
‘Construction Loans’ Fund Pre-Development of Pay-for-Success Deals
Experimentation and social change go hand in hand. At a time when government resources are constrained, we need to experiment with new approaches to finance and scale promising social programs. At Living Cities, we are exploring new ways to unlock private capital for social good, harnessing the collective power of 22 of the world’s largest […]
New Index Sets Benchmarks for Long Term Investment – The Minute
A new investment index has been launched. It’s the latest result of a growing demand by investors to benchmark the impact of CSR, ESG, and sustainability issues on business valuation. The S&P Long-Term Value Creation Global Index, created by the S&P Dow Jones Indices, measures sustainability criteria and projected investment outcomes over the long term. […]
Investors Have A Big Opportunity for Accelerating Clean Energy
Those gathering at the UN in New York on Wednesday for the biennial Investor Summit on Climate Risk are facing a new world and a new reality. The Paris global climate agreement, inked in December, has confirmed that every nation is now on an irreversible path to a low — perhaps even zero — carbon economy. The […]
SASB Announces New Sustainability Accounting Standards
SASB has announced a new educational program focused on teaching professionals how to identify, manage, and evaluate sustainability topics relevant to the company’s bottom line. This new program is called the Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) Credential. Nicolai Lundy is the Director of Education for the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) where he oversees SASB’s educational […]
Community Capital Management a Top Fund Performer in 2015
By Robert Kropp. The fund tracker Morningstar ranks the performance of the firm’s fixed income investment product among the top one percent of 309 funds in the intermediate government category.
A Mud-Riding ‘Geeky Girl’ Beats the Crowdfunding Drum in Mississippi
Jennifer Gatewood calls herself ‘Mississippi’s Geeky Girl.’ After a career in information technology, she started Peer Elevate to “bridge a gap and lift people up.” When Mississippi enacted an intrastate crowdfunding exemption in May 2015, she saw an opportunity to create Mississippi’s first crowdfunding portal, Peer Elevate Funding. But first, there was a lot of education […]
Millennials: Forward-Looking Lessons
Noah Wilcox, a fourth generation community banker from Minnesota, shares his take on the newest, largest customer base: the Millennial generation. Wilcox is the president and CEO at Grand Rapids State Bank and CEO at Minnesota Lakes Bank. You can reach him on Twitter at @NWWilcox. — Forget to pay the cable bill? TV’s overrated. […]
Filling the Funding Gap in ‘Pay for Success’
Experimentation and social change go hand in hand. At a time when government resources are constrained, we need to experiment with new approaches to finance and scale promising social programs. At Living Cities, we are exploring new ways to unlock private capital for social good, harnessing the collective power of 22 of the world’s largest […]
Information for Whole Foods Market Shareholders Regarding our 2016 Shareholder Proposal
JANUARY 22, 2016: Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ: WFM) urging them to vote in favor or our Food Waste shareholder proposal on the company’s 2016 proxy card. The letter provides an overview of the importance of the issue as well as the four main reasons why […]
Ceres Launches Online Database of Corporate SEC Filings on Climate Change
By Robert Kropp. The organization collaborates with CookESG Research to provide an online tool for searching corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission on carbon asset risks and other sustainability factors. Third in a three-part series.
Markets in the next system
Markets before capitalism In her seminal work “The Origin of Capitalism,” the late scholar Ellen Meiksins Wood took on the credo that “capitalism emerged when the market was liberated from age-old constraints and when, for one reason or another, opportunities for trade expanded.” Schoolchildren in the US are commonly taught to conceive of the broad […]
At Davos, a Convergence of Investors to Blend Finance for Development
The government officials, business leaders and private investors gathered at Davos this week can continue their deal-making after the elite event ends on Convergence, a new online match-making platform to facilitate “blended financing” for developing countries. Officially launched at this week’s World Economic Forum, Convergence aims to expand investor networks, reduce search costs and streamline due diligence and […]
Will Impact Investing Join the Challenge of Addressing America’s Racial Divide?
Impact investment can be an important tool in addressing the racial wealth gap if impact investors think of their work as not only placing investments in individual funds or businesses, but as part of an active strategy to foster systemic change.
2016 RSF Prime Rate Change
On January 1, 2016, RSF Social Finance increased its base interest rate for borrowers to 4.75 percent. Other participants in the Social Investment Fund (SIF) are affected as follows: the investor rate is now 0.50 percent, up from 0.25 percent, and the RSF revenue share will remain at 4.25 percent. The decision to raise investor […]
Stock Market Got You Down? Conservation Financiers Ready ‘Non-Correlated’ Investments
There’s an intriguing line in the new Credit Suisse and McKinsey & Co. report on the growing interest among institutional investors for financial products that protect ecosystems, drive sustainable commodity production or reduce carbon emissions. Among mainstream investors, the report says, “The conservation impact of a product is generally of little importance.” The report, “From […]
Suzanne Biegel: How Investing with a Gender Lens Can Create a Powerful Women Effect
There’s a growing body of evidence that gender equality and women’s leadership and participation boosts the performance of companies and countries. So what do we do about it? Suzanne Biegel, who calls herself a “catalyst-at-large,” has launched Women Effect, to help entrepreneurs, investors, advisors and others figure that out together. Suzanne, a longtime angel investor, […]
Seven Wishes from Seven Thought Leaders for Financial Inclusion in 2016
2015 was an important year for the world of financial inclusion. Starting with the publication of the six randomised controlled trials results in January that sparked debate on the impacts of microcredit, the sector went on to celebrate (and question) an increase of 700 million people with access to financial services since 2011, with the […]
Trillium’s Q4 2015 Market Commentary & Advocacy Highlights Available for Download
January 20, 2016: Trillium’s Q4 2015 Economic & Market Commentary and Shareholder Advocacy Highlights are now available to download. “2015 was a year of contradictions and noise, along with a highly concentrated and narrowly-focused market. Oil prices dropped throughout the year, with West Texas Intermediate oil ending the quarter at $37 per barrel, down 18% […]
As Population Becomes More Diverse, Funding Options Grow
The gorgeous mosaic that makes up the U.S. is becoming more so. African-Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanics collectively account for 38% of the U.S. population, and are expected to surpass 50% by 2044. And the Millennial generation is not only large, it is the most racially diverse in the nation’s history. This multi-culti melting pot […]
Webinar: New Equity Terms to Align Impact Investors and Entrepreneurs
Relevée is a fine jewelry design and manufacturing company that provides a pathway to complete independence for some of the world’s most vulnerable women including survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and child marriage. Relevée was started by, and is spinning off from, the nonprofit social enterprise Made By Survivors. As a for-profit social enterprise, […]
Social Impact Incentives Aim to Tilt Businesses Toward the Needs of the Poor
Companies often get fined for poor behavior. Now, some will get rewarded for behavior that serves the poor. A pilot program funded by the Swiss government will pay bonuses to Latin American businesses that can prove that they are improving the quality of life of their poor customers. The enhanced revenues should make such high-impact businesses […]
Introducing our 2016 Eco-Fund Ratings
When Corporate Knights published its first Responsible Investing Guide in 2003, socially responsible mutual funds comprised 1 per cent of the Canadian retail fund market by assets. In the past dozen years, many things have changed – particularly with respect to climate change, now widely acknowledged as a seminal challenge of our time. Governments have […]
In Wake of COP21, Shareowners Challenge Corporate Lobbying on Climate
By Robert Kropp. A shareowner initiative coordinated by Walden Asset Management requests that fossil fuel companies disclose lobbying activities and review public policy advocacy on energy policy and climate change. Second in a three-part series.
Encourage Capital: Six Blueprints for Financing Sustainable Fisheries
Investors can earn double-digit returns while simultaneously helping to restore and protect global seafood supply, according to first-of-its-kind market research by Encourage Capital. Investors got a sneak peek at two blueprints last autumn, as reported by Impact Alpha. Now the report is out in full, with all six blueprints for investing in profitable fisheries with social […]
Encourage Capital: Six Blueprints for Financing Sustainable Fisheries
Investors can earn double-digit returns while simultaneously helping to restore and protect global seafood supply, according to first-of-its-kind market research by Encourage Capital. Investors got a sneak peek at the research last autumn, as reported by Impact Alpha. Now the report is out in full and it features six blueprints for investing in profitable fisheries with social and environmental […]
ImpactAlpha’s #DealFlow for Jan. 15, 2016: Weekly Roundup of Impact Investments
Dealflow goes global this week: Abraaj Group bets big on healthcare expansion in India; Australian retirement funds attracted to affordable housing; and Big Issue Fund’s raise bodes well for UK social enterprises. Growth markets for health care. Betting on the growing demand for affordable healthcare in India, the Abraaj Group, the Dubai-based private equity firm, acquired a […]
Wealth & Giving Forum’s reflections on 2015
As we look back on 2015, and in particular on several major events and announcements since early July, it may just go down as the year in which socially oriented and impact investing finally entered the mainstream world of wealth and finance. Here’s a quick scan: In mid-July, Goldman Sachs acquired Imprint Capital, an asset-management firm founded […]
Community Impact Investing
Green Money Journal’s January 2016 Issue Self Help Credit Union’s Green Impact Capital By Melissa Malkin-Weber, Sustainability Director, Self-Help Credit Union A Dialogue on Community Development and Impact Investing with CEI – featuring Ron Phillips, founding CEO of Coastal Enterprises Inc (CEI) talks with Ellen Golden, Senior VP for Corporate Development Impact Investing in 4 […]
Sustainable Investors Respond to Climate Pact
By Robert Kropp. With COP21 Climate Conference in Paris ending with agreement intended to keep global temperature increase below two degrees Celsius, investors envision portfolios focused on renewable energy. First in a three-part series.
The Research is Clear: Local Business is Good for What Ails The Economy
Here at Locavesting, we always perk up when we see the Hometown Advantage Bulletin land in our mailbox. Put together by Stacy Mitchell & team at the Institute for Local Self Reliance, the newsletter is always full of insightful articles and research on local economy issues. In fact, for 40 years, ILSR has been at […]
An Eventful Year in Impact Investing – An Interview with ImpactAssets’ Fran Seegull
2015 was a big year for impact investing – one that saw it take some crucial steps toward the mainstream. We spoke with ImpactAssets’ Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director Fran Seegull at the 2015 SOCAP conference about these changes and what they mean for the sector. Among the many milestones she pointed to were high-profile market entrants like BlackRock and […]
P.T Bali Seafood: Netting Fresh Fish through Community Investment in Indonesia
Sourcing fresh, high-quality fish with reliability is P.T. Bali Seafood International’s business and the fish business isn’t easy in Indonesia. So processing fish closer to where fish is caught makes sense. Access to better fish and use of better technology means Bali Seafood can pay fishermen more. And more money lets the fishermen improve their fishing gear and […]
Community Development & Revitalization – How It’s Done
A Dialogue on Community Development and Impact Investing: Featuring Ron Phillips and Ellen Golden of CEI Ron Phillips is the founding CEO of Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), the Community Development Corporation (CDC) and Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) based in Maine. He will be stepping down from CEI in July 2016 after 38 years. Ellen […]
Beyond Sustainability: GreenWave’s Regenerative Ocean Farm
R. Buckminster Fuller was a founding father of systems thinking. You can look it up. And you can look up an index of ideas that honor such thinking in the roster of winners of the annual Fuller Challenge, the $100,000 award given by The Buckminster Fuller Institute, which is seeking to extend the vision of the 20th-century inventor […]
Global Alliance for Banking on Values Advisor David Korslund and First Green Bank CEO Ken LaRoe Talk About Money & Spirit
The GABV Scorecard as a Strategic Tool for Values-Based Banking a conversation with David Korslund David Korslund began his banking career at the storied ShoreBank of Chicago, the nation’s first community development finance bank. He went on to work at a succession of mainstream banking institutions, finally at ABN AMRO, where he had responsibility […]
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