Interest in sustainable investing is continuing to increase as evidence mounts that investment choices can deliver positive social or environmental benefits. But the sector is still being hampered by the “myth” that sustainable investing requires a financial trade-off. That is one of the main conclusions from the latest survey on attitudes towards sustainable investment undertaken […]
Climate finance a survival strategy for banks?
What are the driving factors for banks to sign onto a voluntary statement on integrating climate mitigation into their workflow? Is this a competitive strategy or just a survival action? How vital is climate change in changing the banks’ investment decisions? In December, 26 financial institutions from both developing and developed nations signed a statement […]
Morningstar and the democratization of ESG information
The ordinary investor is more likely to have most of his money in mutual funds than individual stocks or bonds, but until recently there have been few options to determine how sustainable these funds may be. In March, investment research company Morningstar rolled out the first sustainability ranking for mutual funds, where companies are […]