We’ve moved Vested.org back to our homesite, invest.calvertfoundation.org.
We encourage you to sign in, look around, and see for yourself.
This change comes as a response to ongoing feedback from our investors and a desire to make the investment process simpler, quicker, and accessible all in one place. You’ll see that while the address might have changed, the operations and foundations of the platform remain in place.
All of our users and investors can continue to log-in with the same information, make new investments, and manage their accounts. All current Note holdings remain in place, without any changes.
You’ll also see changes to our impact sectors, which have been updated to reflect our current portfolio. We now focus our investments across nine sectors:
- Affordable housing
- Health
- Education
- Community development
- Microfinance
- Small business
- Sustainable agriculture
- Renewable energy
- Environmental sustainability
With over $300 million currently invested in hundreds of organizations, intermediaries, and funds worldwide, our capital now supports work that positively impacts people and the planet in many different ways.
Alongside this, we have also updated our prospectus for 2017 to reflect these changes. Anyone interested in buying a Community Investment Note or understanding these changes further should read this.
As our investors are the driving force of our work, we welcome your questions, thoughts, and feedback on these changes. Our mission with this platform is to make investing more accessible, quick, and straightforward, and to ultimately help grow the impact investing movement. As our investors and online trends grow and change, we remain committed to developing and updating our online investor experience.
This post was originally published on CalvertFoundation.org
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