Founder and Managing Editor Cliff Feigenbaum launched The GreenMoney Journal in 1992 and in 2013 was named “One of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business” by Trust Across America. In 2015 and again in 2017, Cliff was named one of the “Leaders in CSR & Sustainability” by Corporate Responsibility (CR) magazine. He has also received numerous nominations for the SRI Service Award. GreenMoney is one of the world’s leading sustainable business and impact investing media brands with its monthly eJournal and website (launched in 1995) focused on publishing innovative solutions and responsible leadership. Every issue is filled with relevant news featuring top writers from the world of sustainable business, impact investing, renewable energy, organic agriculture, and ethically-made products. The goal of GreenMoney is to help people make informed financial decisions from the stock market to the supermarket, and the overall mission is to “Influence Capital.” After 20 years as a quarterly print publication, GreenMoney shifted to a monthly eJournal in 2014 to reach an even larger global audience with its award-winning content. In 2017 to celebrate its 25th Anniversary Year, the GreenMoney tech team upgraded and relaunched the website. In 1999, Mr. Feigenbaum co-wrote “Investing With Your Values: Making Money and Making a Difference” with Hal and Jack Brill published by Bloomberg Press in NYC.
If you only have two minutes, click here for a highlight from the interview.
Some highlights from Ryan’s interview with Jonathan include:
- The backstory of what spawned Green Money Journal and Cliff’s intention to bring the wall in wall street down and opening up the conversation around money, aligning our money with our values, and sharing our money stories
- How to not just invest money in high growth, but into off-wall street investment opportunities
- Looking for those things that give you momentum that can keep you going throughout the years
- How women are quickly becoming the majority in the landscape of Socially Responsible Investing
- How the election of Trump has affected Green Money Journal
- The role of shareholder activism with impact investing in sustainable agriculture and renewable energy
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Ryan Honeyman is a Partner at LIFT Economy and author of The B Corp Handbook: How to Use Business as a Force for Good (Berrett-Koehler Publishers). LIFT Economy is an impact consulting firm whose mission is to create, model, and share a locally self-reliant economy that works for the benefit of all life. You can follow Ryan on Twitter @honeymanconsult or email him
The full and original article can be viewed on
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