Smarter Money
The fund wants to improve due diligence, offer blended finance, and lower transaction costs

The Connect Fund has launched to build out impact investing infrastructure.
The £1.8 million ($2.3 million) fund, a partnership between Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Access foundation, will invest in collaborative initiatives to improve due diligence, offer blended finance, and lower transaction costs.
It will also invest in infrastructure organizations working to understand non-profits’ and entrepreneurs’ capital requirements. “I have deep concerns that much of the social sector is poorly served by the current social investment offer,” says Barrow Cadbury Trust’s Helen Cadbury.
That echoes others such as Echoing Green’s Min Pease. Echoing Green (see below) is building on its model to connect entrepreneurs with investment support and like-minded investors.
Connect Fund launches to build impact investing infrastructure was originally published in ImpactAlpha on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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