Sustainalytics has released “10 for 2018,” a report that evaluates risks and opportunities in the coming year. On the upside, Sustainalytics finds that ESG-driven investing will continue to increase in 2018. Global responsible investing now totals $23 trillion, a rise of 25 percent since 2014, according to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance. The rapid growth and large sums are the result of more widespread adoption of integrating ESG factors into decision-making, explains Sustainalytics CEO Michael Jantzi. He cautions that this growth is accompanied by “profound” changes taking place in the asset management world, and notes that “10 for 2018” outlines 10 areas of significant ESG risk for 10 sectors, through case studies of 10 companies. The report makes for thoughtful reading—view the full details here.John Howell, Editorial Director
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