Why Investing in Sustainable Agriculture is Vital to our Health and our Wealth
Welcome to the new “Investing in Sustainable Agriculture” issue of the award-winning GreenMoney Journal. The issue feature numerous insightful articles on the current state of and the future of Agriculture. The four top articles are:
• Organic Economics In A World of Industrial Agriculture: Applying the Power of Nature
by Harn Soper, founder of Sustainable Farm Partners
• Sustainability Through the Kitchen Window of a Coffee Farmer
by Kenneth Lander, chief sustainability officer and co-founder of Thrive Farmers
• The Ground Game: Taking Land Speculation Out of the Local Food Equation
by Suzan Erem, president of the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust (SILT)
• Spotlight on Women in Organic Farming
by Claire Mesesan, communications manager of Iroquois Valley Farms
You will find all of the articles at- http://www.greenmoneyjournal.com/june-2016
Contact Info:
Cliff Feigenbaum, founder and managing editor
GreenMoney Journal and GreenMoney.com
+1 (505) 577-1563
KEYWORDS: Ethical Production and Consumption, Business & Trade, sustainability, sustainable agriculture, local food, Iowa, farmland, soil, Farms, organic, conventional, Chemical, fertilizers, grocery stores, food production, personal finance, GMOs, clean water, people planet profit, Nature, bees, sustainable agricultural practices, csr, esg, family farms, farm aid, start up capital, community land trusts, Corn, soy, local economy, stewardship, pollinators
SOURCE: GreenMoney Journal
This GreenMoney.com content was originally shared on 3BLmedia.com
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