Green bonds—financial instruments with a socially responsible investment aspect baked into their DNA—are red-hot. So far this year, global green bond issuance totals $28.7 seven billion, up 78% from the $12.1 billion issued last year in the same time period, reports Business Insider.
Along with this explosive growth in sustainable finance dollars comes a shift in who’s selling green bonds. An increasing number of financial institutions and private companies are joining global agencies such as the World Bank that have been, until now, the primary issuers. Of the top 20 global green bond issuers from 2015 to this spring, 13 were corporate. Apple, Toyota, and Starbucks are among the US corporate bond issuers. This trend is a new boost to the idea of profit with a purpose, and one that looks to grow as the financial support that underpins it expands.
I’m John Howell for 3BL Media.
Video source: Green Bond Action Heats Up Global Investment Market
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