January 30, 2017 // Boston, MA – Trillium Asset Management has sent a letter to shareholders of Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ: WFM) calling for support of our Food Waste Reporting shareholder proposal on the company’s 2017 proxy. The letter provides an overview of the importance of the issue as well as the four main reasons why we believe shareholders should vote for this proposal. The proposal, co-filed by First Affirmative Financial Network, Green Century Capital Management, Trinity Health, and the Dominican Sisters of Houston, asks the company to issue a report on company-wide efforts to assess, reduce, and optimally manage food waste.
Approximately 40% of food produced in the U.S. is wasted, often ending up in landfills with significant environmental and societal consequences. If global food waste were a country, its emissions would be 3rd, behind only China and the United States.
In addition to Whole Foods, we have filed shareholder proposals with Target and Costco this year and continue to urge them to manage food waste responsibly.
Read the full letter here.
For more information: Caroline White, Communications Manager, cwhite@trilliuminvest.com
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This post was originally published on TrilliumInvest.com
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