Animal welfare is an increasingly important CSR issue and it’s just moved even more to the center of the corporate conversation on the topic. 18 institutional investors, who represent £1.5 trillion in assets under management, have become the founding signatories to the first investor statement on farm animal welfare.
The signatories of the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) say farm animal welfare is potentially material to long-term investment value creation in the food sector. The commitment will look into farm animal welfare issues when analysing food companies. The signatories will also encourage high standards across the food industry.
Image credit: Animals Australia
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Antonio Pasolini is a journalist based in Brazil who writes about alternative energy, green living and sustainability. Besides Just Means, he contributes articles on emerging technology to Gizmag. He is also a happy herbivore.
KEYWORDS: Finance & Socially Responsible Investment, Ethical Production and Consumption, animal welfare, Justmeans
by Antonio Pasolini
SOURCE: Justmeans
This post was originally published on
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