Starting this fall, choosing a financial advisor may become a little easier for people who care about the impact their money is having—thanks to a brand new professional designation for financial advisors that was recently unveiled by the College of Financial Planning, in collaboration with the US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment.
Called the Chartered SRI Counselor (CSRIC), the designation enables financial advisors to demonstrate their bone fides as experts in the various socially responsible investing approaches out there and the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that should be considered by like-minded investors. (In this case, SRI stands for sustainable, responsible and impact investments).
As the first such certification for the field, the move is the latest indication of the increasing demand among investors for more impact-related options—and the growing pool of funding for impact enterprises.
“This is really a response from requests we were getting from advisors looking for more than an introductory level training in this area,” says Michael Young, manager of education programs for US SIF, a nonprofit aimed at shifting investment practices toward sustainability.[…]
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