Women Rising
The tally of public- and private-equity assets invested with a gender lens now tops $2.2 billion

Nearly two-dozen public gender-lens investment vehicles hold more than $910 million. That’s up 41% from $645 million in 19 vehicles last year, according to a new analysis from Veris Wealth Partners and gender-lens investing expert, Suzanne Biegel.
The public vehicles include ETFs, mutual funds, CDs, and corporate and government bonds that invest in companies with women in leadership roles and those that specifically improve the lives of women and girls.
More than one-third of the assets, or $329 million, are held in State Street’s Gender Diversity Index ETF, or SHE, seeded in early 2016 with $250 million from the California State Teachers Retirement System. Another $146 million is held in PAX Global Women’s Index Fund.
Other asset managers in the roundup include Community Capital Management ($32 million), Breckinridge Capital Advisors ($19 million) and Nia Global Solutions ($15 million).
Biegel and Wharton Social Impact initiative recently released a separate list of 58 venture capital funds with $1.3 billion in assets that are betting on women. Together, the tally of public- and private-equity assets invested with a gender lens tops $2.2 billion:
Meet 58 venture capital funds that are betting on women around the world
Nearly two-dozen public gender-lens investment vehicles hold $910 million was originally published in ImpactAlpha on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
This post was originally published on ImpactAlpha.com
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