We have some exciting news: the new financial inclusion theme of the our partner the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)’s Navigating Impact project is live! Created in consultation with several hundred industry experts, impact investors, and standards setters, the Navigating Impact project provides an on-ramp to setting and streamlining impact strategies. Led by SPTF, this new theme draws on the knowledge and experience of investors and experts like Pacific Community Ventures to help investors in financial inclusion connect their impact goals with core sets of metrics and resources to put them into action.
PCV’s Daniel Brett, Associate Director of our Impact Advisory Services, contributed to the strategy for supporting the creation of quality jobs and economic development, including practical approaches to measuring the creation of quality jobs.
Each Navigating Impact investment theme includes strategies that show different ways investors might frame their impact goals (for example, “Improving Financial Health,” Increasing Gender Equality through Financial Inclusion,” and “Supporting the Creation of Quality Jobs and Fostering Economic Development”). Each strategy includes an overview of the strategy, an evidence map, a core set of metrics that are shown to indicate progress toward that strategy’s objectives, and curated resources that can help measure and manage toward the strategy.
You can visit the site here: https://navigatingimpact.thegiin.org/
The Global Impact Investing Network has been home to IRIS – the catalog of generally accepted social and environmental performance metrics used by the majority of impact investors, which PCV also contributed to – since its inception, and throughout the years has worked to develop and operate critical impact infrastructure, and educate investors on its use. Realizing that many investors wanted more guidance on how to connect IRIS metrics to their impact goals, the GIIN developed the Navigating Impact project.
Created in consultation with industry experts, impact investors, and standards setters, the Navigating Impact project provides an on-ramp to setting and streamlining impact strategies, and helps to answer questions like:
- What are common approaches to impact in these themes (and how do they lead to impact)? Each strategy’s overview highlights what the strategy is, who it reaches, what its contribution is, and how much change is possible.
- What evidence shows that different strategies can deliver these outcomes? Each strategy’s evidence map shows rigorous field & academic evidence backing its outcomes and impacts.
- What core metrics can show performance toward these goals? Each strategy includes a set of core metrics to understand your investment’s progress toward reaching impact goals, as well as additional metrics for more targeted impact measurement.
- What resources relate to this approach? Each strategy identifies existing measurement methodologies, frameworks, and systems that can help measure and manage toward the strategy.
We’re thrilled to have been a part of this industry effort. Let us know what you think!
The post PCV Contributes To The Navigating Impact Project appeared first on Pacific Community Ventures.
The full and original article can be viewed on PacificCommunityVentures.org
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