An explosive growth in socially responsible investment is driving requests from investors, financial advisors, and asset managers for more and better environmental, social and governance data for use in their investment decision-making. ESG data in the asset management industry has grown by 45% over the last four years, affecting $59 trillion of assets under management. Now, Thomson Reuters has launched a new application on its Eikon service that enables buy-side professionals to analyze real-time ESG data and incorporate it into socially responsible investment decisions. “Insight360” complements TR’s existing ESG offering by providing real-time access to material, relevant data and events related to sustainability, and ESG statistics for over 7,500 publicly traded companies. It’s the latest evidence that ESG is becoming accepted as material to the bottom line.
John Howell, Editorial Director
ReportAlert: UniCredit issues 2015 Integrated Report
ReportAlert: Kingfisher releases Sustainability Report 2015/16
ReportAlert: Publicis Groupe publishes 2015 CSR Report
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ReportAlert: Bell Canada publishes annual Corporate Responsibility Report
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