“Resolute!” – The root of the word comes down to us from the ancient Latin, meaning (over many centuries) to decide on and stay with a course of action. We’re seeing that these days in the “resolve” of the US corporate community, in the resolute actions of many cities and municipalities, in the actions of a growing number of US states, and among institutional investors of all types, shapes and forms.
Their resolution? To stay the course on addressing climate change issues as the Trump Administration swerves off the road and into the ditch with the abandonment of the COP 21 Paris Accord by the national government of the United States of America.
In our brief Top Story, we see comment highlights from an Environmental Leader conference, with experts Phil Pinson and Tim Porter. The pair looked at White House actions and changes within US EPA and Department of Energy and observed that what actions and issues had in common now was “uncertainty” as to the future course of action.
What’s driving sustainability now without the official “push” of our national governmental infrastructure? For companies: compliance; corporate mission; business performance; employee satisfaction; industry (peer) recognition…and this means (they said at the conference) companies are holding firm with 50% of those surveyed are showing no change in budgeting for sustainability.
At G&A Institute, we’re seeing many positive trends from 2016 and earlier holding fast even with speed bumps thrown up — like exiting the Paris Accord and being in the same category now as Syria and Nicaragua as national holdouts!
During 2016, G&A Institute Chair Hank Boerner assembled the trends that were driving Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Investment forward — most are still powerful, positive drivers for change. Trends Emerging! Looking Ahead of the Curve at ESG, Sustainability, CR, SRI Progressis available for you with our compliments — you can download your copy of Hank’s collected commentaries at: http://bit.ly/TrendsConverging
Readers will continue to receive updates on the book’s content as conditions warrant — Hank shared his perspectives on the post-Paris environment with readers.
Send us your views on the post-Paris environment as the corporate, public, social and investment sectors continue to move forward.
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The full and original article can be viewed on Governence and Accountability Institute (GA-Institute.com)
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