As part of RSF’s Social Impact Assessment (as mentioned in RSF’s 2014 Annual Report), we ask staff to answer a series of questions about how our organizational culture and organizational purpose impacts them. This is based on the understanding that “self-work” is the foundation for transforming the way the world works with money. The following is a glimpse into one employee’s personal journey.
Meet Tim Green, Senior Counsel, Legal & Compliance. Tim provides legal and compliance support to all of RSF’s program areas and leads RSF’s Troubled Loan Committee (TLC). Tim joined RSF in November 2011 after 6 years in the commercial finance and investment management departments of major law firms in New York and San Francisco. He holds a J.D. from The University of Michigan Law School and a B.A. from Bates College, and is admitted to practice law in California and New York.
How would you describe RSF’s organizational culture to clients, friends, or new colleagues?
It’s a great place to work – innovative, fun, and a “learning organization” that encourages employees and teams to engage in personal and professional exploration, both self-directed and as part of larger groups. Unlike other places where I’ve worked, no one pretends or expects others to have all the answers to a question or a problem. People aren’t afraid to admit when they are wrong or when things don’t work out as planned. I think we all recognize that we are on a journey together to make RSF the best organization that it can be, and to help each other realize our full potential. I am also lucky to work with an amazing group of people who are all very passionate about and committed to their work and RSF’s mission.
What about RSF’s Purpose, Values, and Operating Principles do you find most motivating or inspiring?
I find it motivating that we are committed to fostering a deeply entrepreneurial culture that drives innovation and new ideas both at RSF and in the social finance space. I’m also inspired by our goal of creating interdependence and community in our relationships with clients.
In what ways has your understanding about money changed over the past year?
I am finding an increasing sense of connectedness with my money issues – things like financial planning, etc. – which in the past I have had a tendency to avoid. Luckily, RSF’s organizational culture really encourages us to focus on developing mindfulness techniques in our work and personal lives, and this was one issue where I am actively working on applying these.
In what ways has your understanding of compensation changed as a result of being part of RSF?
RSF’s organizational culture really encourages staff to reflect on the nature of work and compensation that we receive. As a result, I’ve thought a lot more about what I am really being paid for – that is, the nature of work as “not-a-commodity” – and how that relates to what constitutes a sustainable wage for me and my family.
Jenn is Senior Human Resources Manager at RSF.
SOURCE: RSF Social Finance
by Jenn Raley Miller
KEYWORDS: Finance & Socially Responsible Investment, Business & Trade, RSF Social Finance, employee, organizational culture
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