(3BL Media/Justmeans) – Businesses are typically the largest direct consumers of natural capital, which is the financial value provided by natural resources and ecosystems. As key stakeholders and consumers, it becomes a critical responsibility of businesses to support the growth and preservation of natural capital in economic, social and environmental terms.
TD Bank Group of Canada has emerged as a leader in corporate responsibility, showingan exemplary commitment to promoting sustainability on various fronts. The bank’s recently published 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report, “How We are Building The Better Bank,” outlines the bank’s performance and progress on corporate responsibility.
Some of the key achievements of the bank in the social and environmental arenas highlighted in the report include:
- First commercial bank in Canada to issue a green bond – 100% of proceeds allocated to low-carbon financing
- First financial institution to track all owned corporate and retail buildings in Canada and the U.S. using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
- Only FI in Canada named to the global A List: The CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index
- 52% increase in women in executive leadership roles, from 2005 to 2014
- Raising financial awareness with 294,000 participants in a TD-sponsored financial education program
- More than 96,000 hours volunteered by TD employees in their local communities
- More than 50,000 trees planted across North America and the U.K. through TD Tree Days
- $82 CAD million donated to support community organizations across North America and the U.K.
TD Bank Group hired 13,568 new employees in 2014, and spent$88.5 million on training anddevelopment – which translates into aninvestment of $969 per employee. Its employees completed over 1.9 millione-learning coursesin 2014. The bank delivered Mental Health Awarenesstraining to 1,700 employees. It was awarded gold-level certification for havingbest practices in Aboriginal relations. A new focus area in the U.S. for Veterans was also createdduring the year.
Teri Currie, Group Head, Direct Channels, Technology, Marketing and People Strategies, TD Bank Group, said that the bank recognizes that its employees, customers and communities have high expectations of TD. The 2014 report demonstrates how it embeds corporate responsibility throughout its business.
Source: TD.com
This post was originally published on Justmeans.com
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