Why Shifting Gender Balance in Wealth Brings Ripple Effects
As women take impact investing by storm, Amy Brown, 3p’s finance reporter, shares how various shifts in the investing world have led to more women assuming leadership roles in finance, with more women entrepreneurs reaping the benefits.
As we recognize Women’s History Month 2019, Brown shows us how the shifting gender balance in wealth demonstrates that when women hold the reins of capital, the outcome is that investments generating positive social and environmental impacts often win top priority.
The Business Case for Accelerating Gender Balance
Advancing women at work, writes Sarah Peyok, will involve the morphing of what have long been persistent barriers to women’s inclusion in the workplace. Historically in the United States and Europe, white men have, and still do, hold the majority of senior leadership roles.
Peyok urges us to take a moment to think about the reasons why this is the case — after all, our brains are fascinating in how they work. Read on to learn more about her theory.
How Corporate Social Investment Can Transform Women’s Health
Lauren Moore, vice president of global community impact at Johnson & Johnson, talks about the uphill battles many women across the globe confront when it comes to safe access to health care.
Poverty, the lack of information, remote locations, poor services, and cultural practices are all contributing factors as to why women are not getting the face-to-face interactions they need. Moore suggests one way in which the private sector can help tackle this massive challenge together.
Welcome to the weekly TriplePundit Flash. Every Monday, we will offer up a quick rundown of the stories the editors at 3p think you need to know and today, we’re proud to share the top stories to kick off Women’s History Month.
Mary Mazzoni
Senior Editor, TriplePundit
This post was originally published on Justmeans.com
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