Women entrepreneurs are at a disadvantage when it comes to raising capital for their businesses. They’re turned down more often than men and, when they do raise money, they raise smaller sums. (It’s a good thing they know how to do more with less).
That’s starting to change, as new funding options that bypass the traditional (male) gatekeepers take hold.
Women-owned startups are flourishing on crowdfunding sites operating under the new Regulation Crowdfunding, which opened up startup investing to all Americans. And these women entrepreneurs are tackling market gaps they’re uniquely positioned to identify and address.
Here are three women-owned startups you can invest in today. Because every day should be Women’s Day.[…]
The post Three Women-Owned Startups That You Can Invest In Today appeared first on Locavesting.
The full and original article can be viewed on Locavesting.com
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