NASDAQ has announced some of the best socially responsible investing stocks of 2016, according to the Motley Fool financial advisory. The criteria was simple: companies that outperformed the market while committing to CSR values. Among the top picks are Microsoft (YTD return: 10.6%), Johnson Controls (38.8%), Facebook (12.7%), and UnitedHealthGroup (35.5%). Not surprisingly, these companies show up in many of the Index funds that target socially responsible businesses such as the Vanguard FTSE Social Index fund (YTD return: 7.7%), TIAA-CREF Social Choice Eq Retail (12.1%), and iShares MSCI KLD 400 Social (8.1%). NASDAQ notes that impact investing is on a growth spurt recording “a 93% rise, to 27% of those with $10 million or more in assets” in the last two years. In these cases, valuations and values are combining to produce superior profits.
John Howell, Editorial Director
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