Impact Investing & ESG
Why Foundations Should Step Up their Game in Impact Investing
There’s a growing number of people in the world of social entrepreneurship focused on not just building impact-oriented companies, but on creating a more fundamental systemic change.
Impact Investment: Private Equity Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Hasn’t Been
Impact investing would seem an unlikely business for avaricious private equity funds. But many are embracing what they see as a new opportunity. Should we be skeptical or see private equity’s buy-in as proof of the impact investment concept?
Paving the Way for Greater Impact Investing in Asia-Pacific
While Asia-Pacific foundations are intrigued by impact investing, they combine a range of approaches to create impact in different ways.
Impact Investors Need to Think Big – And It’s Not What They Think it Means
As an industry, impact investing too often gets hung up on creating personalized, perfect impact.
UBS Study: Wealthy US Investors Lag Behind on Sustainability
Wealthy US investors had the slowest rate of adoption in the sustainable investing landscape compared to the rest of the world, according to UBS. The multinational investment bank and financial services company released the latest edition of its Investor Watch report this week.
Investing with a Purpose
Responsible investing, though not a new concept, has only recently gained popularity among a meaningful portion of the investment community.
Is Fixed Income ESG Investing the New Frontier?
ESG investing goes beyond picking the right equities; fixed income ESG can round out an investor’s socially responsible portfolio.
Climate Change, Paris Accords Driving ESG Strategies: Report
ESG’s popularity is taking off, but a significant gap exists between investors’ good intentions and action.
United States & Europe
Slew of Positive Reports Show U.S. Economy Still on Solid Track
A string of reports on Thursday showed the labor market is getting stronger, consumers are increasingly optimistic and manufacturers are expanding, adding to signs that GDP remains on track for a solid performance in the 3rd quarter.
Developing Economies
Emerging Markets –Recovery Strong, Hong Kong Dollar Goes Wild
Emerging markets extended their recovery on Friday, as what looked set to be a marquee week for South Africa’s rand and the best day for Chinese stocks in over two years helped sweep away some of the recent gloom.
Emerging-Market Debt Issuance on Ice after Turbulent Summer
Emerging-market debt issuance is on hold after a summer of volatility, with the market effectively closed for borrowers like Turkey and Russia, although Asian and Middle East issuers can still get their bonds to market.
The Future is in Africa, and China Knows It
Fast population growth offers some great investment opportunities, but the West is missing out.
Kenya Ranked Fifth Wealthiest in Africa
Kenya is the fifth richest country in Africa, with much of the wealth concentrated in the hands of a few individuals, a new report has shown.
Southeast Asia’s Production Gains Speed as China Slows
Manufacturing index up 6.2% for first half as companies diversify bases.
Indonesia Set to Grow 5.2% This Year
The World Bank has maintained a positive outlook on Indonesia’s economy despite rising external pressures that may curb growth this year.
The Pacific Alliance: The Four Best Bets in Latin America
The emerging-market sell-off is a buying opportunity for brave investors seeking resilient, well-managed economies with strong prospects. Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru fit the bill, says James McKeigue.
The post Weekly Impact Investment Market Update: September 21, 2018 appeared first on TriLinc.
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