Impact Investing & ESG
Finding Emerging Market Stocks with Social Consciences
Until recently, investors interested in emerging market funds had few ways of singling out companies with standout environmental, social and governance records.
Family Foundations Beginning to Shame Public Companies to Invest More in ESG Causes
John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil Co., and as a result was the richest person on the planet when he died in 1937. Yet, some of his 200-plus living descendants have embarked on a mission to challenge Standard Oil offspring Exxon Mobil Corp. on climate change.
Bain Double Impact Calls a Trend: Sustainable Meals
The $390 million fund, headed by former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, is looking for what Patrick calls “big secular trends driving market opportunities around mission-driven brands and companies.”
Research Affiliates Bets ESG and Smart Beta are Two Great Tastes That Go Great Together
Smart-beta and sustainable investing were destined to meet in that kooky, belongs-together-forever kind of way found in romantic comedies. And now they finally have.
ESG and Diversity Aren’t Buzzwords…They’re Good Business
Scrutiny of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies, and analyses of boardroom diversity have predominantly been the province of mid- and large-cap institutional investors.
Danone Looking to Make World Better One Cup of Yogurt at a Time
Danone SA, the world’s biggest yogurt maker, notched a win in its quest to remake itself into the world’s largest socially responsible food company.
United States & Europe
Europe has a decision to make. It can stand by as nationalism and authoritarianism flourish from the United States to China. Or it can lead a reinvigoration of democratic values and international cooperation, at a time when rapid technology-driven change demands major political, economic, and social reforms.
Developing Economies
Kenya’s GDP Growth to Rebound to 5.5 Pct in 2018 – World Bank
Kenya’s economy will grow 5.5 percent this year compared with an estimated 4.8 percent last year, thanks to better weather and less political risk after last year’s presidential election, the World Bank said on Wednesday.
World Bank Keeps Favorable Growth Outlook for East Asia & Pacific
In the April 2018 edition of its East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, the World Bank is cautiously optimistic about economic growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP).
Southeast Asia: Export Boom Countries
Southeast Asian nations are benefiting from the return of global growth, with more room to grow capacity and exports—even as wages trend upward.
The post Weekly Impact Investment Market Update: April 13, 2018 appeared first on TriLinc.
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