Welcome to the April issue on Women & Investing

Abeer, Cliff, and Julie. Photo by Melanie West.
It’s good to be back writing an introduction. First, I want to thank Mark Regier of Everence Financial, who served as Guest Editor of our February issue on “Faith & Investing.” The writers presented what proved to be among our most thought-provoking issues to date, asking us to focus on the world our investments are helping to create, and questioning not only what we profit from, but also what we refuse to profit from.
Over the next 18 months, beginning with this April 2015 issue, we are doing three editions on “Women & Investing,” because women’s financial empowerment and business leadership are vitally important to all of our readers and to our collective futures. We begin with a great group of writers, including Sallie Krawcheck and Joe Keefe of the Pax Ellevate Management, Mellody Hobson of Ariel Capital Management, Amy Domini of Domini Social Investments, and Amanda Steinberg of the well-known website DailyWorth interviewed by Elsie Maio of Humanity, Inc.
Finally, we hope you have had a chance to read our March issue on “The Future of Water.” Water is the current of life felt everywhere in our world. The issue featured many perspectives for water users and sustainability investors, including a compelling article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of the Waterkeepers Alliance.
You will find both the “Faith and Investing” and “The Future of Water” issues in our easy-to-access archives here on GreenMoney.com
-Cliff Feigenbaum, founder and managing editor, GreenMoney
by Mellody Hobson, President of Ariel Investments and chairman of the board for DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc.Why Gender Diversity Should Matter to Investors
by Joseph F. Keefe, CEO, and Sallie L. Krawcheck, Chair, Pax Ellevate Management LLCReflections from a Career Investor
By Amy Domini, founder of Domini Social Investments and partner in The Sustainability GroupThe GreenMoney Interview:
Amanda Steinberg, founder and CEO of DailyWorth is interviewed by Elsie Maio, founder of Humanity, Inc. and the SoulBranding Institute
Proxy Preview 2015 – the insider’s guide to social and environmental shareholder proposals is now available
GreenMoney’s Cliff Feigenbaum interview on “The Money Answers Show with Jordan Goodman”
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