LONDON/SYDNEY/BOSTON, April 18, 2016 /3BL Media/ –The Paris Agreement enters into force once 55 countries representing 55% of global emissions have deposited their instruments of accession with the UN. Investors support an early entry into force of the agreement, possibly as early as next year. Speaking in London Stephanie Pfeifer, CEO of the Institutional Investors […]
Five Exchange Traded Funds for Socially Responsible Investors – The Minute
An exchange-traded fund is a security that tracks an index, a commodity, bonds, or a basket of assets, like an index fund. ETFs trade like common stock on a stock exchange, which means they show price changes throughout a day’s trading as shares are bought and sold. With their higher daily liquidity and lower […]
A New Option For Investing in Crowdfinance Alternatives From Your IRA
Investment crowdfunding is coming. But will you be able to invest? If you’re like many Americans, you may not have a pot of money sitting around to sink into crowdfunding investments. Heck, most Americans don’t even have the suggested rainy day fund set aside. But many of us do have individual retirement accounts, or IRAs—about […]
Information for Citigroup Shareholders Regarding our Gender Pay Disparity Shareholder Proposal
APRIL 18, 2016: Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of Citigroup (NYSE: C) urging them to vote in favor of our Gender Pay Disparity proposal, which appears as item #6 on the company’s 2016 proxy card. The financial services sector is routinely found to have one of the widest gaps in pay […]
Marty Cordes: The Power of Investing in Women
It’s early on a Tuesday morning in rural Kenya, and Rose is helping her son and two daughters get ready for school. Soon she will join eight other women in her village to spend her day weaving intricate baskets committed for sale to a buyer in the U.S. and financed through a small microloan. She’ll […]
Jeff Skoll’s Capricorn Investment Takes Stake in Encourage Capital
Capricorn Investment Group, which manages the fortune of billionaire Jeff Skoll, has taken a stake in Encourage Capital, an impact investment firm that has developed innovative structures for restoring wild fisheries, generating carbon credits and managing stormwater. Capricorn’s investment is not in any of those specific initiatives but in Encourage, the overall asset-management firm, itself. Encourage […]
Investors Challenge Food Companies on Antibiotics
April 15, 2016 Investors Challenge Food Companies on Antibiotics by Robert Kropp The collaborative investor network Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return writes to ten of the largest restaurant chains, requesting policies addressing overuse of medically necessary antibiotics. — In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that antimicrobial resistance posed potentially dire […]
The Conundrum of Women and Investing
Are Women Better Investors then Men? By Amy Domini, founder of Domini Social Investments and partner in The Sustainability Group As I was working on this article, the old Buffalo Springfield lyrics kept buzzing through my mind. “There’s something happening here; what it is ain’t exactly clear.” The more I looked at actual research […]
Turning the Microfinance Model Upside Down: An Interview with Jeffrey Ashe
In the early days of microfinance – before its dramatic evolution from development sector hero to over-hyped villain and back to somewhat chastened respectability – it captured the imagination of many anti-poverty advocates, among them Jeffrey Ashe. After a stint in the Peace Corps, Ashe spent 20 years designing, evaluating and managing microfinance programs in over thirty countries – but then […]
RSF Spring Quarterly: Is Digital Money Transparent?
In the latest RSF Quarterly, we do a deep dive into digital money and the fast-growing fintech (short for financial technology) sector. Uphold’s Tim Parsa lays out a case for why blockchain technology may mean an end to banks. Jonny Price, senior director for Kiva Zip, critiques mainstream peer-to-peer lending for its lack of investor […]
Information for JB Hunt Shareholders Regarding our Non-Discrimination Shareholder Proposal
APRIL 13, 2016: Trillium Asset Management has published a letter to shareholders of JB Hunt Transport Services Inc. (NASDAQ: JBHT) urging them to vote in favor of our non-discrimination shareholder proposal which appears as item #3 on the company’s 2016 proxy card. Shareholders will vote on the proposal at the company’s annual meeting, which takes […]
Confluence…or Collision?
By Leslie Christian. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Confluence Philanthropy gathering in Boston. The conference was populated by well-meaning, sincere and committed people who believe they share a common purpose: promoting environmental sustainability and social justice by helping to move philanthropy in the direction of mission-aligned […]
While the SEC Ignores Climate Change Risks, Others Step Up
In 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission took one giant step towards acknowledging climate change as a financial risk and opportunity for markets, and not simply the major environmental threat of our time. The SEC’s formal guidance on climate risk disclosure, issued in response to an investor petition, details how material climate risks must be […]
Kiva Founder Turns Marc Andreessen’s Head Toward Africa
The new new thing in Silicon Valley? Global development. The latest data point: Venture capital powerhouse Andreessen-Horowitz’s investment in Branch, its first in a U.S.-based company targeting the Africa market. Branch has closed a $9.2 million series A round that also includes earlier investors Formation 8 and the Khosla Impact Fund. Andreessen-Horowitz is betting on Matt Flannery, […]
Women and Millennials Drive Growth in Responsible Investing
How the Transfer of Wealth is Transforming Wall Street by Lynne Ford, Executive Vice President, Calvert Investments Three important trends are already changing the asset management industry, and are poised to become even more important in the coming years. First, based on their spending and earning power, women now represent a growth market bigger […]
Walden Updates Shareowner Action on Lobbying
April 11, 2016 Walden Updates Shareowner Action on Lobbying by Robert Kropp Tim Smith of Walden Asset Management posts update on the 50 shareowner proposal addressing corporate lobbying expenditures filed this proxy season. — For more than a decade, the Center for Political Accountability (CPA) and its sustainable investor allies have advocated with […]
Tunisia’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem – Why Youth and Tech are Vital Elements
In February, The New York Times reported on the state of joblessness and resulting desperation among educated young people in rural Tunisia. This was the same demographic that protested in 2010, overthrowing the Ben Ali regime and sparking the Arab Spring. Five years on, an arid employment landscape (62.3 percent of college graduates are without […]
Information for Pepsico Shareholders Regarding our 2016 Shareholder Proposal
APRIL 7, 2016: Trillium Asset Management and The Sustainability Group of Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge, along with Green Century Funds, have published a letter to shareholders of PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE: PEP) urging them to vote in favor or our Pollinator Protection proposal, which appears as item # 6 on the company’s 2016 proxy card. Shareholders […]
Inside RSF Social Finance
The purpose of this webinar is to provide an orientation to RSF and all that we offer. Topics include the Social Investment Fund, Social Enterprise Lending, philanthropic activities, and how RSF measures impact. The post Inside RSF Social Finance appeared first on RSF Social Finance.
National Partnership Takes Aim at Strengthening Local Food Connections
Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in conjunction with 15 philanthropic partners that include RSF Social Finance, announced a new initiative aimed at bolstering local food supply chains in ten urban areas. Named Food LINC, the project will focus on increasing customer access to goods produced by farmers and ranchers in their […]
Ripe for Action: How a 20 Percent Cut in Food Waste Could Yield $100 Billion in Benefits
Quick! What do these issues have in common: food insecurity, water conservation, economic development, and climate change? All these pressing social and environmental concerns can be addressed by reducing food waste. By reducing food waste at scale, we have a unique opportunity to help protect the environment, alleviate poverty, boost the economy, and reduce the tax […]
You’re an Investor in Food, Whether You Know it or Not
“Everyone is an investor in food.” by Brian Kaminer “Everyone is an investor in food.” That’s the motto of Slow Money NYC, and it has rung true for me from the first time I heard it. As I started learning how interconnected everything is in life, the principles of Slow Money (a national organization that has inspired […]
To Drive Innovation in Education, Foundations are Starting to Act Like Venture Capitalists
It takes a village to raise a successful education technology company—and to build an ecosystem for education innovation that creates meaningful, sustainable change in our schools and for our students. But one of the most critical sources of that capital and expertise has until recently been sitting on the sidelines. In a new article for Stanford […]
The Community Bank Story
Minnesota Vikings Cornerback Captain Munnerlyn banks with a locally owned and operated financial institution. So does NFL Hall of Famer and former Washington Redskins player Darrell Green, who sits on the board for MainStreet Bank in Fairfax, Va. These cornerback brethren share more than a love for America’s most watched sport. They’ve also found a […]
The JOBS Act at Four: A Status Report
It doesn’t get much attention outside of crowdfunding and financial circles. No one mentions it in presidential campaigns, either to take credit or disparage it. But it’s hard to understate the importance of the JOBS Act, the landmark securities legislation signed into law on April 5, 2012 by President Obama with broad bipartisan support. As […]
Blueprint for Ignition: How the Catalyst Fund Got Started
Impact investors collaborate to address funding gap for startups The emergence and rapid adoption of new technologies like the Internet, cloud computing and smartphones are transforming the way the poor and underserved access financial services. Startups are at the cutting edge of these innovations. They are catalyzing the next leap forward in financial inclusion by […]
Bringing Lenders Together for Better Results for Low-Income People
Commercial lenders don’t exactly flock to opportunities to offer low-cost loans, lines of credit and equity investments for small businesses and social services for low-income residents in U.S. cities. So a new fund is sweetening the pot to increase the flow of capital for such investments across the country. Living Cities, a collaboration of nearly […]
Apple Issues $1.5B Green Bond to Spearhead Environmental Efforts
Corporate green bonds are a debt taken on by a company to finance environment-friendly projects. The green bond market is still in its infancy. According to Climate Bonds Initiative, the first corporate green bond was issued only in 2013. Since then, a handful of leading companies, such as Bank of America, Toyota and EDF, a […]
Ceres’ Response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Scoping Report
Ceres president Mindy Lubber praised the members of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) on the release of their “Phase 1” report today, which lays out the scope and high level objectives for the task force’s work. The TCFD, formed by the Financial Stability Board in December 2015 in response to a request […]
Investors Win Battles for Shareowner Votes on Climate at Exxon
April 01, 2016 Investors Win Battles for Shareowner Votes on Climate at Exxon by Robert Kropp Resolutions addressing the moral imperative of limiting climate change and the manner in which the company reports oil reserves replacement will appear on proxy ballot following SEC decision. — The science of climate change has been definitive […]
Ceres’ Response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Scoping Report
Investors focus on carbon asset risks, engagements with securities regulators, and the effects of climate risk on financial stability SOURCE: Ceres DESCRIPTION: April 1, 2016 /3BL Media/ – Ceres president Mindy Lubber praised the members of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) on the release of their “Phase 1” report today, which lays out […]
Finally, Clean Energy Opportunities Meet the Risk-Return Requirements of Investors. Now What?
The global climate agreement adopted in Paris in December is far more than just a roadmap for tackling climate change. It’s also a blueprint for rethinking how we bring energy to 1.3 billion people who live without electricity—a significant barrier to eradicating global poverty. On both of these fronts, clean energy, not fossil fuel energy, […]
Filing deadline
Illustration by Adam De Souza The last several years have seen a parade of increasingly cringe-worthy explanations from various multinational corporations seeking to justify their complicated tax avoidance schemes. When pressed about Apple’s sophisticated offshore tax avoidance regime on CBS’s 60 Minutes last December, CEO Tim Cook dismissed the accusations as “total political crap. There […]
Helping Smallholders’ Grow a Pharmacy on their Farms
Albrecht Dürer’s masterful woodcut, “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” is drawn from the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible’s New Testament. In it, the horsemen ride on red, black, white and pale horses, symbolizing war, famine, conquest and death. The black horse symbolizes famine – its darkness depicting the brute force of hunger. But this […]
A Holistic Approach: Three keys to helping small businesses access the finance they need
According to the World Bank, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) provide more than 90 percent of all jobs in low-income countries, and such firms are an essential part of emerging economies. However, these firms are far less competitive than their counterparts in industrialized countries. Among the many obstacles to the growth faced by SMEs, the […]
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Launched
March 31, 2016 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Launched by Robert Kropp Members of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark complete methodology based in part on UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and plan to publish the first benchmark of corporate human rights performance in November. — After more than a year of […]
5th Annual Food + Enterprise Summit Brings Entrepreneurs & Investors Together Financing the Future of Food on April 8-9
Food + Enterprise fills food system focus gap as Investors and Entrepreneurs have turned their attention en masse to food and beverage businesses. New York, New York March 24, 2016 Food + Enterprise Summit (“F+E”), Slow Money NYC’s annual B2B event, returns to Brooklyn for its fifth year on April 8th and 9th, convening investors […]
Financing Opportunities in Latin America
Last fall we launched the Inter-American Opportunity Facility (IOF), a $20 million investment partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank designed to reduce poverty and promote economic growth across Latin America. The IOF is the cornerstone of our international portfolio for the Raíces initiative, which is focused on creating opportunities throughout both Latin America and Latino […]
A Shared Destination: Why we need open source impact metrics
Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of three articles offering new methods in generating, comprehending and The definition of social impact dramatically differs based on the role we are referencing, e.g. impact investor, funder, program agency or practitioner. Though there is a plethora of standards, tools and frameworks, most organizations do not […]
Morningstar and the democratization of ESG information
The ordinary investor is more likely to have most of his money in mutual funds than individual stocks or bonds, but until recently there have been few options to determine how sustainable these funds may be. In March, investment research company Morningstar rolled out the first sustainability ranking for mutual funds, where companies are […]
Ours To Own Denver Wins Big at CO Impact Days
Earlier this month, we had the great privilege to participate in the first annual CO Impact Days event in Denver. This three day impact extravaganza trained investors, inspired audiences, and featured local social ventures doing incredible work to make the great state of Colorado a better place. You can read more about CO Impact Days […]
New Funding Options Take Root For Food And Agriculture Ventures
Raising capital is difficult for any startup or small business. But it’s especially challenging for entrepreneurs in food or agriculture. Margins are often low, especially in the beginning. There’s also enormous risk due to factors outside of an entrepreneur’s control, like unexpected weather impact on crops. Providing collateral that lenders will accept can be difficult for […]
PayPal Enlists Village Capital to Bring ‘New Money’ to the Global Unbanked
Dan Schulman, the CEO of PayPal, is on a mission to extend digital payments to the 2.5 billion unbanked people around the world. He is enlisting Village Capital, the scrappy business accelerator and venture capital firm, to help find local companies that can help. PayPal and Village Capital will support roughly 40 financial technology entrepreneurs who are using technology […]
FinTech Entrepreneur Launches Matchmaking Platform to Enable Impact
Philip Berber is applying his experience building an online trading platform to the chronic problem of matching interested investors with promising entrepreneurs. An interested investor and philanthropist himself, Berber launched Enable Impact several years ago to help impact entrepreneurs and investors to find each other. Having built CyBerCorp, an online brokerage for day traders (and solid it to […]
Invest In Your Farmer – Literally
Most young farmers want farms upon which they can build their lives. Saundra and Chad Williams are the owners and operators of HoneyMade Farms. They are looking for secure land access with Local Farms Fund. Saundra with Butter. Saundra has been described by her previous employers as “terrific with animals” and “a hard worker that […]
The New Alternatives: Holding Companies that Build Assets and Impact of ‘Infinite Duration’
Impact investing may have gotten off on the wrong foot, with venture-capital style private equity funds that generally have to be liquidated after 10 years. This season’s new style: Permanently capitalized holding companies with long-term ownership stakes in operating companies that deliver real benefits such as food security, clean water and climate mitigation. There’s […]
The Surprising Reason Why Savings Boosts Income: New Research Reveals an Unexpected Benefit of Financial Inclusion
Make it easier to save, and people will save more. This seems straightforward and holds true when offering savings accounts to customers in rich and poor countries alike. Make it easier to save, and people will save more and earn more. This sounds a little more surprising, especially if you posit that this increase in […]
Community Capital Management Publishes Annual Impact Report
March 21, 2016 Community Capital Management Publishes Annual Impact Report by Robert Kropp In a webinar, Chief Impact Investment Officer David Sand emphasizes the importance the sustainable fixed income firm places on environmental and social impacts. — The third annual Impact Report of Community Capital Management (CCM), a sustainable fixed income investment advisor […]
Participate in the Wave of the Future: Invest in India
by S. V. Patel on March 17, 2016 Back in 2015, I was excited to learn in a Calvert Foundation newsletter about the launch of the India Investment Initiative, which would enable Indian Americans to invest to support sustainable, social enterprises in India. With the support of strong partners including MacArthur Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, United States […]
Earth Hour: Going Dark to ‘Change Climate Change’
Engro Green Office Program personnel celebrate Earth Hour 2015 with a candlelight vigil in Karachi, Pakistan. March 27, 2015. (Photo by Green Office Engro) creative commons license via Flickr By Sunny Lewis SINGAPORE, March 17, 2016 ( News) – On Saturday evening, March 19 at exactly 20:30 local time, millions of people around the world […]
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