Having just read the book Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World by former New York Times columnist, Anand Giridharadas, and mostly agreeing with it, I thought that it would be interesting to read a critique by Jay Coen Gilbert, the co founder of the movement for Certified B Corporations, which happened to fall […]
Millennials and Money: Insights From an Often Overlooked Community
Millennials are receiving quite the attention from the media. We are often characterized as lazy and entitled. What I find to be true is that our generation has little trust in large institutions — from governmental offices to our large banks and financial institutions. We are steeped in our values and want our money aligned […]
O holy funds
His Holiness Pope Francis Faithful followers: 1.2 billion Catholics Fund management body: Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican Bank Mandate: To serve the global mission of the Catholic Church through the administration of the entrusted assets and providing payment services to the Holy See and related entities. The celebration […]
Fourth in a Series: The Food Industry GRI and SASB In Focus – Perspectives on Alignments and Differences
By Jessica Caron – G&A Sustainability Report Analyst Intern A comparison of the SASB Meat, Poultry & Dairy Standard — which is designed for use by companies involved in the raising, slaughtering, processing and packaging of animal food product — to the GRI Standards must start with the observation that the GRI Standards are […]
Impact Updates from the Wealth and Giving Forum
“Seeking Impact” Five Years On As 2019 gets underway, we’ve been reflecting on progress in the “philo-impact” field since the Forum hosted its “Seeking Impact” Symposium in October 2013. It featured Howard Warren Buffett, representing the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Ron Cordes, Founder of Opportunity Collaboration, and Emmanuel Faber, CEO of Danone (the French food […]
Weekly Impact Investment Market Update
Impact Investing & ESG Investors are Starting to See the Positive Effect of ESG Investing As the tide pulls some chief investment officers and asset owners toward improving corporate ESG practices, there is strong evidence that ESG investing is now rewarded, especially in the Eurozone, according to a recent Amundi SA study. Impact Investing Isn’t […]
Is God an ethical investor?
Organized, and even disorganized, religion oversees large amounts of assets. From the centuries of wealth accumulated by the Roman Catholic Church, to the Church of Scientology’s operating as a lucrative business that pays its recruiters from new-member revenues, churches are rich. This leads inevitably to the question of whether, as investors, it is possible to […]
Electric Utilities and Power Generators Industry – GRI and SASB Perspectives
It is often the case that many us may not give our monthly energy utility company a second thought — unless there is an issue with the power going out or the bill is too high. However, for those of us working in the sustainability field, the Energy Utilities Industry is one of the most important […]
TriLinc Global Launches New Fund
February 06, 2019 10:15 AM Pacific Standard Time MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TriLinc Global, LLC announced today its Regulation D offering of the TriLinc Global Impact Fund II, LLC. “We are very pleased to continue to offer investors with what we believe to be lower risk access to private investment opportunities available in select-high growth economies […]
Climate Fund ‘Transforms Economies From Brown to Green’
Workers who helped install Mongolia’s largest solar energy farm in the Sumber Soum area of the country’s Govisümber province with a few of the solar panels they put in place. The solar facility began generating power on January 28, 2019. (Photo courtesy Green Climate Fund) Posted for media use. By Sunny Lewis SONGDO, Incheon, South […]
The (Unintended) Darker Side of John Bogle’s Legacy – Worth & Financial Times
The industry titan changed the way millions of people invest, but indexing has greater implications now than it did 50 years ago. Published in Worth Magazine By Garvin Jabusch John C. Bogle, a champion of stock investing for average people, passed away on January 16. I didn’t personally know Bogle, but I was fortunate to […]
Paul Polman: B Corps, Climate Change, and the Future of Capitalism [Ep. 145]
Paul Polman was Chief Executive Officer of Unilever from 2009-2019. Under his leadership Unilever set out an ambitious vision to decouple its growth from overall environmental footprint and increase its positive social impact. Paul actively seeks cooperation with other companies to implement sustainable business strategies and drive systemic change. He is Chairman of the International […]
RSF Prime Increase
On January 1, 2019, RSF Social Finance increased RSF Prime, its base interest rate for borrowers, to 5.50 percent. Other participants in the Social Investment Fund are affected as follows: the investor rate is now 1.25 percent, up from 1.00 percent, and the RSF revenue share will remain at 4.25 percent. RSF Prime is reset […]
Second in a Series: The Agriculture Products Industry GRI and SASB In Focus – Perspectives on Alignments and Differences
By Emilie Ho – G&A Sustainability Report Analyst Intern During my analysis, I found that although many of the material disclosures that the SASB Standards suggested for disclosure by the Agriculture Products Industry are in line with the GRI’s Topic Disclosures, there are also a number of material topics that SASB advances for disclosure that […]
Global 100 eyebrow raisers
With additional reporting by Toby A. A. Heaps Over nearly a decade and a half of writing a weekly column and several books under the Ecoholic banner, I ranked endless streams of products from worst to best in terms of planetary impact, from beer companies to banks, footwear to ethical funds. Many weeks, judging […]
Economist’s Invest For Impact event on February 12th NYC
Investing for the Long Haul If some still view investing for impact as a vanity project, others are determined to make it a central part of the investment world. They see the possibility and practicality of ingraining intention and expertise on doing well by doing good into various lines of businesses. The third annual Investing for […]
These investors are fixing finance to better serve Black entrepreneurs
A few years ago the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston released a study that revealed a city divided: median white wealth was $247,000, compared to median Black wealth of $8. Not long after, Aaron Tanaka and Libbie Cohn walked into the office of a Boston financial firm to pitch the Ujima Project as a solution. The organization […]
Impact Investors are not Funding the Patagonias of Tomorrow—and That’s a Problem
The impact investing community does not always agree on everything. But ask any impact investor who the figureheads of the environmental movement that they look to for guidance are, and they’re likely to answer “Patagonia,” without skipping a beat. Patagonia is a global apparel brand with roughly $1 billion in annual revenue and considerable environmental street […]
What Larry Fink’s 2019 Letter Means for the Future of Business
Last year, Larry Fink’s annual letter to CEOs forged its way into public and corporate consciousness. In it, Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest investment firm, made the bold declaration that “to prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive […]
The Software / IT Services Industry GRI and SASB In Focus – Perspectives on Alignments and Differences
With the recent publication of the much-anticipated “Report on US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends 2018” issued by US SIF showing that ESG has hit the capital markets’ mainstream, with $1-in-$4 in the US (by professional investment managers now incorporating ESG), and the recent petition seeking mandatory ESG reporting submitted to the Securities & […]
Weekly Impact Investment Market Update
Impact Investing & ESG The Rise Fund Spin-Off Marks Growth of Impact Investing U.S. private equity firm TPG and U2 star Bono’s announcement earlier this week that they have created a new organization for measuring the social and environmental returns of investments appears to be a signal of growing investor demand for tools to […]
The Real Leaders 100 Top Impact Companies 2019
Business can be a force for good and here’s the proof: 100 companies that are growing by doing good. The Real Leaders 100 Top Impact Companies, in collaboration with Big Path Capital and B Lab, is the first ranking of positive impact companies. The Awards rank the top companies applying capitalism for greater profit and […]
Jed Emerson: The Purpose of Capital [Ep. 142]
Originator of the concepts of Blended Value and Total Portfolio Management, Jed Emerson has extensive experience leading, staffing and advising funds, firms, social ventures and foundations pursuing financial performance with social/environmental impact. In addition to his writing, Jed currently focuses on working with families exploring how to ensure a long term legacy by managing […]
A Letter from RSF
Dear Friends, Happy New Year! As we step into 2019, we would like to express our deep gratitude to and for our community of clients and partners—thank you for your ongoing support and inspiration. RSF’s work toward creating a compassionate and regenerative economy has never felt more needed or important. This sense of urgency is […]
Trends in Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact Investing
$12 trillion and growing fast Welcome to GreenMoney’s January 2019 issue featuring the recently released “Report on US Sustainable, Responsible, and Impact Investing Trends”. Spend some time with these articles, based on the US SIF report, covering the multiple aspects of where the SRI industry has been and where it is headed. The numbers in the […]
Follow the Money: Sustainability Goes Mainstream
In the last two decades, sustainability reporting has gone from an exercise for the largest companies to a necessity to attract investors and meet local and international regulation. But the main benefit of sustainability reporting remains that companies best understand their impacts and can improve their bottom line along with the world around them. The […]
Family matters: thoughts on a Philanthropy Impact roundtable
Family foundations are taking active steps to engage the next generation and in many organizations, all generations are involved in influencing giving decisions and operations as a means to educate and prepare family members for a philanthropic career. As professional advisor to (U) HNWI, understanding these dynamics and influences between generations will play an important […]
Weekly Impact Investment Market Update
Impact Investing & ESG An ESG Approach to Emerging Market Debt The growing interest in ESG factors reflects a developing trend that asset owners and investors are increasingly focused on sustainability alongside investment performance. BNP Paribas AM believes ESG factors are integral in emerging market investing. Institutions Increase ESG Focus in 2018 At the start […]
Have You Tuned in to The Green New Deal? The “GND”? — You’d Better!
by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist, G&A Institute Here we are at the start of year 2019 and the nation’s 116th U.S. Congress. Radical and exciting ideas with something for everyone from Wall Street to Main Street to the Corporate Suite and Board Room are now on the table for discussion as this […]
Why Low Minimum Funding Targets Hurt Investment Crowdfunding
Many businesses raising money under Title III of the JOBS Act are setting “target amounts” as low as $10,000. I understand the motivation, but I’d urge issuers and the platforms to think twice. Background In Title III Crowdfunding (also known as “Regulation Crowdfunding” or “Regulation CF” or simply “Reg CF”), the business (known as the […]
The Year Wall Street Got Sustainable Investing
The latest insights from Amy Domini On October 23, 2018 the Financial Times published an article stating that Larry Fink, CEO of the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, had announced that “sustainable investing will be a core component for how everyone invests in the future.” He further explained that sustainable investing did not lead to […]
As money moves offshore, new questions about how foundations invest their assets
Throughout philanthropy’s history, it’s drawn intermittent waves of intense criticism, and it certainly feels like we’re heading into one now. Outrage over wealth accumulation, an unbridled tech industry, money in politics and more is inspiring healthy scrutiny from many directions (including us). Some of this criticism is not over funders’ influence, grantmaking practices, or relative […]
ESG Investing Outlook for 2019
Incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance factors Amidst all of the important improvements in ESG data, all of the thoughtful research reports, and all innovative new investment options, another, deeper trend has taken root. As we turn towards 2019, we see increasing evidence that systems thinking is becoming more prevalent and influential throughout corporations and the […]
The Year in Community Capital: Coops, Crowdfunding and Other Coups
It’s been a head-spinning year. But amid the chaos, a lot of good progress was made in the community capital field. Here are some of the top stories of 2018: 1. Coops Rising The United Nations designated 2012 the International Year of Cooperatives, but we would argue 2018 was the year that cooperatives really began to […]
Putting banking back in the hands of the people: The role of regional cooperative banks in community wealth building
Community wealth building If you’re in any way a follower of the ‘new economics’ movement you will probably have heard of the ‘community wealth building’ mantra which is gaining ground as common language. So, what exactly is this new approach to growing local economies? The Democracy Collaborative, where I’m a Next System Project Research Fellow, defines community wealth […]
Weekly Impact Investment Market Update
Impact Investing & ESG How Green Wall Street Can Weather 2019 The New Year promises serious challenges for the rapidly growing number of socially conscious investors. Sustainable Investment in Asia: Ready to Take Off Broader adoption of ESG investing is now accelerating in Asia. In particular, we’re seeing a greater push by leading institutions or […]
The Green New Deal and the shift to a new economy podcast
This week we have a panel discussion detailing the proposed Green New Deal that activists have been mobilizing for recently. We spoke with The Democracy Collaborative’s own Johanna Bozuwa, the Sierra Club’s Anthony Torres, and Sunrise Movement Co-Founder Evan Weber to explore the economic and social ramifications of a Green New Deal and the obstacles […]
A next system of community investment: Community Reinvestment Act reform in the 21st century
The Community Reinvestment Act was passed by Congress in 1977 to spur lending and investing in communities of color and lower-income neighborhoods. The CRA requires that deposit-taking banks reinvest capital back into the communities from where they draw those deposits. This requirement is based on the recognition that banks receive from the public an economic benefit from […]
Meet 2018’s Top 30 Under 30 in Sustainability
“Our supply of ingenuity … involves both the generation of good ideas and their implementation within society,” Canadian scholar Thomas Homer-Dixon wrote in his 2000 book The Ingenuity Gap. “It’s not enough for a scientist, community, or society simply to think up an idea to solve an environmental problem; the idea must also be put […]
Venture Capitalists Wear No Clothes (and Why Revenue Models Beat 10x Exits)
From his perch as founder of Fledge, a network of social impact accelerators, Luni Libes has claimed the role of industry provocateur, critiquing the prevailing Silicon Valley model of investment and agitating for more aligned funding models. In particular, he’s an advocate for revenue-based funding, whether via loans or redeemable equity, where startups buy back their […]
Weekly Impact Investment Market Update
Impact Investing & ESG Demand for ESG Investing is Knocking at Your Door…or Should Be Panelists at the InvestmentNews Women Adviser Summit discuss the opportunity of engaging clients and prospects on environmental, social and governance issues. World’s Largest Pension Fund Cites Improved ESG Adoption by Corporates Within Asia, equity portfolio from India showed the most […]
White People: Let’s Talk About White Supremacy
By Ryan Honeyman, Partner at LIFT Economy One question has consumed me recently: “what is the role of a white person in conversations about racial justice (especially a white, cisgender, heterosexual, non-disabled, upper middle class male who is a U.S. citizen)?” I used to think that the appropriate role for a white male of my […]
Decarbonize, Decentralize and Democratize: Investing in a More Just Energy Future
By Jess Brooks, Chief Development Officer, Sunwealth SOURCE: GreenMoney Journal DESCRIPTION: The existing extractive energy economy isn’t working. Our dependence on coal, oil and gas contributes to global warming, the physical destruction of communities and pollution-related health issues which impact all of us – and disproportionately affect low-income people and communities of color. It’s not […]
Climate Innovation Summit
EIT Climate-KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community) is the EU’s largest public-private partnership addressing climate change through innovation. Our community consists of over 300 leading partners from business, academia, the public sector and NGOs. Our purpose is to help create a prosperous, inclusive, climate resilient society founded on a circular, zero-carbon economy. Focused on levers of […]
Weekly Impact Investment Market Update: October 26, 2018
Impact Investing & ESG Overheard at SOCAP18: The Alpha in Impact, Billions to Trillions, Women-Led Solutions, Elite Charade? The full spectrum of impact investing was on display on Day Three of the annual SOCAP conference. ImpactAlpha’s team fanned out to catch the conversation. 3 Ways to Create a Climate Change Investment Strategy The United Nations […]
With Acquisition, A New Chapter for Vermont’s Milk Money
Milk Money, a Vermont-only crowd investing portal, has been acquired, signaling a new phase for the platform—and perhaps the intrastate crowdfunding market as well. The two-year old intrastate crowdfunding platform’s new owner is the Vermont Innovation Commons, a regional innovation hub in Burlington combining a startup accelerator, co-working space and residential units under one roof. The […]
2018 Calvert Impact Report goes live
Changing Markets, Changing Minds: Our 2018 Impact Report Dear Friends, We’re pleased to share our 2018 Impact Report with you. This report is the key way we provide authentic and transparent reporting to our investors and industry partners on the impact of their investments and partnership. This year we provide … Read More The full […]
The future of impact investing: a view from Asia
Within philanthropy circles, people are beginning to look beyond grants to the creation of a package of what might be called social finance, which will not only be bigger but will involve the kind of expertise traditionally considered the province of the financial industry. If the UN’s Sustainable… This article is only available for our […]
On Money, Race, and Power
Deb: I have had the good fortune of working with both of you and would love to hear more about the work that you’re doing to build a more equitable economy. Can you tell us about what you do? Deborah: I co-founded the Boston Impact Initiative, a place-based impact investing fund focused on closing the […]
UN IPCC Warns Us: The Time to Act Is Now – The Window For Action on Global Warming is Fast Closing
The buzz for the past few days has been about the report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that urged governments everywhere to “take rapid and far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” to avoid catastrophic events and conditions brought on by climate change. Why? The planet temperature could reach […]
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