Sure, many of my friends in the climate change movement can’t wait to forget 2016, the year when an incoming Trump presidency brought new meaning to climate uncertainty. But there is a movement taking hold that is far bigger than the U.S.—I’ve seen it in the last year in Africa, in Europe and the U.S. Here are […]
Reflections on Ten Amazing Years
Dear Friends, For the last ten years, I have had the honor of serving as RSF’s president and CEO. On the eve of my departure, I reflect on what we have accomplished as a community of staff, board, clients, partners—and what makes RSF so special and unique. I love RSF. It’s a rare bird; one that you […]
The SRI Conference Popcorn Presentation
In past Popcorn Presentations, many of you heard our CIO Garvin Jabusch speak about Green Alpha Advisors, but we thought we’d try something a little different this year. I’m Arina, the newest addition to the Green Alpha team. I’d like to briefly share with you how I found myself at Green Alpha, and hopefully give […]
Bloomberg Covers Trillium’s Shareholder Proposals on Minimum Wage Reform
December 30, 2016 // Boston, MA: Bloomberg recently published a story on four shareholder proposals filed by Trillium Asset Management on minimum wage reform in its Sustainable Finance newsletter. This Fall, Trillium re-filed shareholder proposals at Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. and TJX Companies alongside Zevin Asset Management. The shareholder proposals asked each company to adopt […]
Crowdfunding: What’s in Store for 2017?
Year-end predictions are always a dicey game, and that’s especially true as we close out a tumultuous year that turned conventional wisdom (and decorum) on its head. But there’s one thing we can say with a modicum of assurance: crowdfinance will continue to pick up steam in 2017, especially in a deregulatory environment. At Locavesting, […]
New $1 Billion Clean Energy Fund Launched
One year after the United Nations climate change talks in Paris, Microsoft found Bill Gates has announced the launch of a $1 billion fund to invest in new forms of clean energy. A group of approximately 20 billionaire business leaders and institutional investors from around the world called the Breakthrough Energy Coalition partnered with Mission […]
US Chamber Targeted Senate in 2016 Dark Money Spending
January 02, 2017 US Chamber Targeted Senate in 2016 Dark Money Spending by Robert Kropp Public Citizen reports that only the National Rifle Association spent more than the Chamber of Commerce’s $30 million during the 2016 federal election. — A few years ago, I applied for an investigative journalism fellowship with the Edmond […]
Investing in Sustainable Cities to Spur Economic Growth
(3BL Media/Justmeans) – In the next 15 years, more than two-thirds of total investment infrastructure will be made in cities. By 2050, about 66 percent of the global population will live in urban regions. Africa alone will have about 800 million more people living in cities than today. The gap between the supply and demand […]
A Proxy For The Next Generation
ESG issues and fiduciary duties are not mutually exclusive. We spoke to Michael Judin about the nature of fiduciary duties in the 21st century. What became clear is that ESG issues and fiduciary duties are not mutually exclusive. Robert: In their published report Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century, the UN Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI), United […]
Four Ways to Create a Community-Scale Investment Fund in 2017
Community capital is about empowerment of communities. It is a set of strategies that allows ventures to raise capital from their ideal investors within their own community, allows anyone of virtually any economic class to invest in their community, and allows communities to build wealth though a cycle of investment, growth, profit, and reinvestment. Community […]
Large Businesses Thank Governor Kasich for Energy Bill Veto
Major Ohio employers today commended Republican Gov. John Kasich for vetoing an energy bill that they say would have increased electricity costs and made Ohio less globally competitive. By vetoing HB554, Ohio’s renewable portfolio standard of 12.5 percent by 2026 goes back into effect on January 1, 2017. Utilities are also required to implement energy […]
Failure of Amendment 1 Sparks Florida Solar Boom
As we reported in our last blog, Amendment 1 – The Florida Solar Energy Subsidies and Personal Solar Use Initiative – failed to achieve the 60% of voter support needed to pass a state constitutional amendment on November 8th. Proponents said the amendment would have given residents the right to choose to install solar systems […]
Supply and Demand: New Impact Investing Products Help Investors Go “All In”
The supply of impact investments is catching up to investor demand. The experiences of members of Toniic, an impact investing network, suggests impact investors are moving beyond private equity and creating portfolios diversified by asset class similar to traditional asset allocation. The message of a new report on their performance: full portfolio alignment with impact is possible […]
Businesses and States Are United on Clean Energy
You may not know it from the headlines, but Washington is not the only energy game that matters these days. Companies that buy massive amounts of energy and states that set the policies that shape the energy mix of their economies – whether with clean energy or climate-warming fossil fuels – also play a major […]
167 Nations Act to Protect Biodiversity
By Sunny Lewis CANCUN, Mexico, December 20, 2016 ( News) – To safeguard the full spectrum of diverse living creatures, the UN Biodiversity Conference opened December 2 with a call to governments and businesses to integrate biodiversity into their practices. By the time the final gavel struck early Saturday morning, governments from 167 countries had […]
Top Impact Investing Podcasts
Presenting the Top Impact Investing Podcasts Listening to podcasts are a great way to learn and stay up to date about Impact Investing. These Top Impact Investing Podcasts have engaging hosts with guest thought leaders and practitioners to learn from. Each cover great examples of investments, funds, where Impact Investing is headed and more. Check out […]
Funding the future
A new piece of legislation passed by a large majority in the European Parliament will require workplace pension funds to weigh and disclose the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks of their investments. An updated version of the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORP) Directive mandates that all workplace pensions consider ESG factors when making […]
Community Capital: Impact Investing, By and For the People
There’s a refrain we’ve been hearing recently at gatherings of community organizers: “Nothing about us without us is for us.” While these words echo a centuries-old Latin slogan (“nihil de nobis, sine nobis”), they reflect a profound truth as relevant today as it has ever been. Their meaning is something like this: “Don’t try to […]
Companies Set A Higher Bar For Climate Risk Disclosure
A new capital markets solution is opening up in the battle against climate change—and business is leading the charge. Climate Risk Disclosure Under the leadership of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a global industry initiative just released its much-anticipated guidelines for voluntary climate risk disclosure by companies and investors in financial filings. The guidelines, […]
Companies Challenged to Adopt Science-Based Climate Goals
December 17, 2016 Companies Challenged to Adopt Science-Based Climate Goals by Robert Kropp Over 100 publicly traded companies have reported to CDP that they will adopt science-based emissions reduction plans, and letters from members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility intend to hold them to their promises. — It’s still too early […]
Impact Investing in the Age of Fintech and Big Data
New impact investing platform harnesses technology, social networks, and scale to help investors, institutions and their advisors invest with purpose. The term “impact investing” as it relates to private debt and equity is nearly 10 years old, it has been a rarified concept for rank-and-file investors and even many institutions and advisors. Even those […]
Venture Funding With a Twist: Founders Have to Give Back
Social entrepreneurship and venture capital are often an uneasy fit. The emphasis on fast growth and outsize returns can push founder to stray from their mission. Now, a new venture fund is marrying social impact and Millennial values with early stage investing—and redefining the term sheet in the process. The fund, Aera VC, is a […]
Investors Target Chevron for Doing Business in Burma
December 16, 2016 Investors Target Chevron for Doing Business in Burma by Robert Kropp A shareowner resolution co-filed by Azzad Asset Management requests that Chevron cease doing business with the government of Burma until state-sanctioned violence against the Rohingya minority is ended. — In 2012, the Obama administration dialed back economic sanctions against […]
The Quiet Progress of Green Property Funds
At the nexus between property developers and today’s socially-conscious investors stands an increasingly persuasive investment choice. Called a green property fund or impact fund, it’s an influential way for investment managers in emerging markets to match developers with those who aspire to both profits and positive change. The concept is simple: Fundraise from third-party clients […]
Holy Land Principles Again Speaks Truth to Cisco-Power
The Silicon Valley giant networking company Cisco was again challenged to demonstrate its commitment to transparency and fair employment in Cisco’s operations in Israel/Palestine at the Annual Shareholder Meeting on Monday, December 12, 2016. The Holy Land Principles, Inc. moved its Resolution/Proposal at the meeting in San Jose. The Holy Land Principles — an 8-point […]
Impact Investing Buzz: GIIN and Toniic Mix with Growth Reports
The knock on impact investing – both within and outside of the industry – is the lack of long-term data and platforms to observe deals in a more transparent way. The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and Toniic, arguably the industry’s most influential trade groups, both released studies designed to turn around some of those […]
Stock Exchanges Adopt Sustainability Reporting
GENEVA, Switzerland, December 13, 2016 ( News) – As many as 21 more of the world’s stock exchanges could introduce sustainability reporting standards before the end of the year, bringing the total number to 38, says an official with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development . Seventeen stock exchanges already recommend that their […]
Cooperative Banking in Croatia
The Democracy Collaborative’s Adam Simpson and Sarah McKinley sat down with Goran Jeras, one of the lead developers of ebanka, an ethical bank project launching in Croatia, for a conversation about building the institutions of an ethical and sustainable financial system. Adam Simpson: Goran, thank you for joining us today. You are the cooperative manager […]
Top SRI Investment Stocks of 2016: A Sampler
NASDAQ has announced some of the best socially responsible investing stocks of 2016, according to the Motley Fool financial advisory. The criteria was simple: companies that outperformed the market while committing to CSR values. Among the top picks are Microsoft (YTD return: 10.6%), Johnson Controls (38.8%), Facebook (12.7%), and UnitedHealthGroup (35.5%). Not surprisingly, these companies show […]
Technology Meets Impact: New Online Marketplace Aims to Expand the Reach of Impact Investing
ImpactUs aims to simplify the process of impact investing through an online platform that allows investors to identify and invest in products that provide social impact. In this email Q&A with NextBillion Senior Editor James Militzer, Reginald Stanley, president and CEO of ImpactUs, explains how the platform works – and why it’s needed.. James […]
CNote To Reinvent Savings with Community Investing
High Yield Savings with CNote CNote’s High-Yield Savings Product Offers a 13x Better Yield with 100% Impact San Francisco, CA – December 6, 2016 – Alternative investment company CNote launched its automated savings product to reinvent the savings account and provide savers – many of who are making 0% interest – with better options. Founded […]
GIIN Forum Reflects New Urgency and Maturing Market
Amsterdam – More money, bigger investors, diverse products and specialized funds: This is what market evolution looks like. How you invest money over the next five years will determine how the world looks in 300 years.Christiana Figueres At the Global Impact Investing Network’s forum here last week, 800 investors and industry leaders gathered to cheer the field’s growth and opine […]
Sustainable Investing and the Restoration of Community
The big news story of 2016 was the rise of Donald Trump. A very nasty campaign culminated in the election of a completely unsuitable and unqualified person to serve as President of the United States, in my opinion. There were signs that this was coming: the Brexit vote in the U.K., the refugee crisis in […]
Is Impact Investing Ready for the Trump Era? (Podcast)
Boy, were we wrong. First, we devoted a whole Returns on Investment podcast to the future of impact investing under President Hillary Rodham Clinton. Then, we did a follow-up that still held out hope that President-elect Trump might soften his hardline position against urgent action on climate change. The latest podcast was recorded before Trump […]
Ceres president Mindy Lubber statement on President-elect Trump’s nominee for EPA Administrator
“Originally established by President Richard Nixon in 1970, the EPA has a long and distinguished track record of reducing pollution, saving lives and providing industry the clarity it needs to thrive and innovate for the benefit of the country and the economy. Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA — in both Democratic and Republican […]
Post-Election Landscape: The Value of Shareholder Advocacy to Inclusivity, Climate Change, and Economic Equality
December 8, 2016// Boston, MA: Given the many potential and real challenges to our work from the incoming administration, we believe it is important for investors to provide clear policy direction that supports sustainable economic growth. Three critically important areas that Trillium will be working on include: Inclusiveness, climate change, and economic equality. Much of […]
The Good News: 15 Media Outlets Focused on Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing
A SOCAP Guest Post by Gary Gach The ever-growing SOCAP community is witnessing history in the making: the birth and fostering of a new economy, a new economy that’s inclusive, regenerative, and truly thriving. We are making a new road at the intersection of money and meaning and several impact-focused, independent media outlets are covering […]
What I wish I knew of Impact Investors when I started
“What do impact investors want? Sustainable social impact with financial return” “What are board meetings for? To take policy decisions and ensure organization is on track” How can one disagree with the above answers? Yet, that is what I did! Because, practically there is something more every new entrepreneur should know beyond these text-bookish answers. […]
Top Resources to help you – a new article series
New Article Series “Top Resources” by Invest With Values Invest With Values is launching a new article series Top Resources. The series shares lists of leading resources based on public input. Each list focuses on a specific category (media, organizations, events) across the topics of Local Banking, Community Investing, Sustainable & Responsible Investing, and Impact Investing. What […]
Impact Investing Receives Boost with Funds Focusing on ESG Performance
(3BL Media/Justmeans) – A growing number of investment funds are profitably deploying private capital as a tool for effective change. The value proposition of this strategy is that investors are increasingly interested in looking at investment options that integrate sustainability. The Oasis Fund, managed by Bamboo Capital Partners, is one such investment fund that recognizes […]
Capital Institute, Think Tank Behind “Regenerative Capitalism,” Releases First Documentary
December 6, 2016 /3BL Media/ – Capital Institute, a think tank founded by former Wall Street banker John Fullerton, dedicated to supporting the necessary transition to a more just, regenerative economic and financial system, today released a short documentary, “A Year in the Life of First Green Bank.” The film debuted November 10, at an […]
Standing in Solidarity: CEO Matt Patsky Visits Standing Rock
December 5, 2016 // Boston MA: For 34 years, Trillium has advocated for the protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. We have worked with Native American leaders to bring their concerns to corporate decision-makers, pressing major corporations to take action on policies and practices that demonstrate a pattern of exploitative behavior towards Indigenous communities. During late […]
Community Investment Funds: Four Models
Community capital is about empowerment of communities. It is a set of strategies that allows ventures to raise capital from their ideal investors within their own community, allows anyone of virtually any economic class to invest in their community, and allows communities to build wealth though a cycle of investment, growth, profit, and reinvestment. As […]
New SEC Rules to Make DPOs Easier
On October 26, 2017, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued new rules designed to make capital-raising for small businesses easier. The two exemptions the SEC has updated, the intrastate offering exemption and Rule 504, are the two most commonly used strategies for companies doing direct public offerings to raise capital from their own […]
Impact Investing Deals Start to Flow in Central America and the Caribbean
Antigua, Guatemala was the place last month to take stock of the impact investing ecosystem in Central America and the Caribbean. More than 350 investors, entrepreneurs and other participants from 34 countries gathered at the Latin American Impact Investment Forum for Central America and the Caribbean. Education and courage are key to strengthening the regional ecosystem, […]
Sustainable Finance: ESG Investment Explained, Part II
Planetsave has published a blog by Carolyn Fortune that distinguishes SRI (socially responsible investment) from ESG-driven (environment, social, governance) investment, a field of activity that overlaps but is quite distinct from SRI. Fortune describes ESG investment as a strategy that incorporates ESG criteria into investment analysis. It is especially suited to shareholders looking for channels to […]
Major Investors Applaud Move to Stay the Course on GHG Rules
In response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement that it would stay the course on 2012 greenhouse gas (GHG) standards for automobiles and light duty trucks, major investors released statements supporting the decision: Ken Locklin, director of Impax Asset Management and Stu Dalheim, vice president of Calvert Investments are members of the Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), a project of Ceres that […]
The case for social investment in microcredit
Timothy Ogden, contributing editor to Alliance, today published his paper ‘The Case for Social Investment in Microcredit’ with the NYU Development Research Institute. It examines the recent research into microcredit impact, and based on this, goes on to argue for continued investment in microfinance. Ogden writes, ‘social investors flocked to the sector, not just because there […]
Social Investing’s Pension Problem: Just a Speedbump, or Something More Ominous?
It hasn’t attracted much attention in the social investing sphere – far less than the ongoing stream of reports attesting to the sector’s competitive returns and growing momentum. But a new brief from the influential Center for Retirement Research (CRR) at Boston College could be significant – and not just because of its surprisingly bleak […]
Sustainable Finance: SRI and ESG Investment Explained, Part I
Still confused about SRI (socially responsible investment) and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investment? Planetsave has published a blog by Carolyn Fortune that explains all concisely. SRI is an exclusionary strategy that steers clear of products and services that are not consistent with a green/progressive agenda. SRIs focus on “investments that bring into balance the […]
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