B Corps are changing the way we do business. Do you know the saying “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”? Well, a growing number of businesses (B Corps) are doing just that. Business as a force for good Businesses have a tremendous impact on our lives, as owners, employees, […]
What Do Financial Advisors Have Against Local Investing?
I was on a panel earlier this year at the ComCap conference in Portland, discussing how my colleagues and I manage to do what other financial advisors seem incapable, unwilling, or downright frightened to do. Audience members recounted tales of bringing this taboo investment subject up to their financial advisors, only to be rebuked, scolded, […]
Wealth Management’s Changing Landscape: Women & Millennials
As consumers and investors, women are changing the way society interacts with its money by consistently making more holistic decisions than men about how they spend, save and invest their money. Currently, women directly control 39% ($11.2 Trillion) of the investable assets in the U.S., and are already strong influencers on the disposition of most […]
Small Biz Tax Deduction Lower Risks for Early-Stage Impact Investors
Everybody loves a tax deduction, as we were reminded in the recent presidential campaign. A provision of the I.R.S. tax code can help de-risk early-stage impact investments by providing a significant tax deduction for losses from investment in “qualified small businesses.” In some cases, the deduction is even more advantageous that the tax deduction for […]
What’s Next? Parecon, or Participatory Economics
Download the PDF This paper by Michael Albert, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in order to facilitate an informed […]
COP22: Paris Climate Pact ‘Irreversible’
MARRAKECH, Morocco, November 21, 2016 (Maximpact.com News) – In the early hours of Saturday morning in Marrakech, more than 190 governments agreed to the Marrakech Action Proclamation , which sends a strong message of global unity towards taking effective action to limit climate change. The document proclaims that was issued “to signal a shift towards […]
Investors update guidance to strengthen engagement on climate risk with oil and gas companies
In a move designed to ensure oil and gas majors do far more to address the climate change challenge, global investors from Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia have today published an updated second edition of their guide setting out the challenges facing the sector and investor expectations for how oil and gas companies must […]
Crowdfunding Pioneer Indiegogo Makes Its Move Into Equity Crowdfunding
Indiegogo threw its hat into the investment crowdfunding ring on Tuesday, ending months of suspense. The company, which pioneered the rewards-based crowdfunding market in 2008, immediately became the 800-pound gorilla in the fledgling market. To date, more than $1 billion has been raised from 9 million backers for rewards-based campaigns on the site. Now, in […]
Morgan Stanley and Bloomberg Survey Finds Sustainable Investing Has Entered the Mainstream
Two-thirds of asset managers polled pursue sustainable investing, with 64% believing its adoption will continue to grow NEW YORK, November 17, 2016 /3BL Media/ – Two-thirds of asset management professionals surveyed (65%) say that they are using sustainable investing strategies to achieve competitive market-rate financial return alongside positive social and/or environmental impact. Sixty-four percent […]
#Dealflow 11.17.16: Community Capital Management Backs Green Bonds, Accion Venture Lab Scores Exit, India Lowers Renewables Risk, and Pennsylvania Invests in Impact
Impact can be added to mainstream financial products, as well as the other way around. This week’s #Dealflow includes asset-backed securities and other such “plain vanilla” financial products. “Investing is very habitual,” says Jennifer Kenning of wealth manager Align Impact. “The more we can make [impact investing] look like what we have always done, the more […]
Well-being Economy: A Scenario for a Post-growth Horizontal Governance System
Download the PDF This paper by Lorenzo Fioramonti, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in order to facilitate an informed […]
Leveraging Microfinance for Agricultural Lending
Calvert Foundation has approved a new $4 million loan to MCE Social Capital (MCE). This loan is a great example of leveraging our long history of lending to the microfinance sector to explore new areas of portfolio growth in a risk-mitigated approach, in this case, agricultural lending. MCE is a nonprofit impact investing firm based […]
Boston, MA // November 14, 2016: Trillium Asset Management sponsored the US SIF Foundation’s biennial Report on US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends 2016 which was released today. The report found that sustainable, responsible and impact investing assets now account for $8.72 trillion, or one in five dollars invested under professional management in the U.S. […]
365 Businesses and Investors Call On U.S. Leaders to Support Paris Climate Agreement
More than 365 businesses and investors, from more than a dozen Fortune 500 firms to small, family-owned businesses across more than 35 states, sent a strong message today to President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump, and other elected U.S. and global leaders, reaffirming their support for the historic Paris Climate Agreement and the need to […]
Can Business Trump Trump’s Anti-Climate Stance
Donald Trump’s election has sent the global climate community into a tailspin. It seems every climate change action supporter is making lists of the awful things he’s planning to do, so I’ll turn to the very succinct one I received in a Sunday morning email from Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club: […]
For Finance/Investing Professionals: “ESG” in Focus in All Day Workshop Hosted at Baruch College/CUNY
The interest in sustainable investing continues to rise in the mainstream investment community. Numerous data & analytics providers, ratings & rankings organizations, and other influentials are busily shaping new approaches in and for the mainstream investment community. Corporate “ESG” factors are an important addition to the ubiquitous Bloomberg terminals, as example (i.e. the ESG Dashboard). Mainstream asset managers — notably BlackRock, […]
From Ethical Investing to SRI, ESG, and Sustainable Investment to Engagement – The Minute
The field of what was once known as ‘ethical investing’ may be poised for its next terminology shift, reports the Financial Times. Ethical investing began as a moral values filter to exclude “sin” stocks such as tobacco and alcohol. Over time, the activity evolved into SRI—socially responsible investing—to indicate a more positive, pro-active approach that […]
Statement from Ceres President Mindy Lubber on the 2016 U.S. Election
The stunning U.S. election results are in, but we should refrain from thinking they will completely thwart climate action and the clean energy economy in the U.S. and around the world. Today’s reality is that the transition to the low-carbon economy is irreversible, inevitable and fully underway. There’s no turning back. More investors and businesses […]
Dark times call for brighter new visions of the world we want to see
Our system is failing. Profound anger at a rigged system has led many voters to reach for something different – even if it means turning in a dangerous new direction. The voters have rejected a stale elite consensus, but we are now confronting a still greater threat. What remains of Madisonian checks and balances has […]
The Aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election
We believe that after the dust has settled, more people will understand that the work of sustainable investing is vitally important. More people will bring their commitment, their energy, and their assets to join this movement. In many important ways, the 2016 election cycle has echoed the extended legacy of the financial crisis and subsequent […]
Towards a New, Green Economy
Download the PDF This paper by Tim Jackson and Peter A. Victor, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in order […]
Trump is like the dog that caught the fire truck. Some ideas for what he does now.
It may be foolish to think that Donald Trump actually has solutions for addressing the wave of anger he rode into the White House. He’s spent decades stiffing contractors, outsourcing jobs and avoiding taxes. But if he’s looking for good ideas, let’s show him where to find some. There are at least a few areas where at […]
RSF’s Work: An Inside Look at Our Integrated Capital Approach
[embedded content] To build a thriving social enterprise sector, we need to rethink the purpose of capital and take a holistic approach to funding social entrepreneurs. This is a model RSF calls integrated capital: the coordinated use of different forms of financial capital and non-financial resources to support an enterprise that’s working to solve complex […]
New Report: Small Merchants Offer Big Financial Inclusion Opportunities
There are more than 180 million micro and small merchants operating in developing and emerging markets globally. These merchants serve the world’s lowest income customers at a scale that is staggering. Every day, small merchants interact with more than 4.5 billion customers. While individually each merchant generates low revenues, they collectively influence the global economy […]
New Training Announcement: Introduction to Corporate Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) for Investment & Finance Professionals Certification
– The Why and How of Applying ESG to Corporate Valuations NEW YORK, November 3, 2016 /3BL Media/ – In response to the growing demand for sustainable investing education from asset owners, asset managers, financial analysts and other financial professionals we are pleased to announce a one-day certificate program entitled, “Introduction to Corporate Environmental, Social […]
Trillium Co-Sponsoring Upcoming BSAS Sustainable Investing Seminar
Boston Security Analysts Society’s 4th Annual Sustainable Investing Seminar will be held on Thursday, November 17th. Cheryl Smith, CFA, Partner and Portfolio Manager at Trillium will be moderating a panel titled, “A Fresh Perspective on Engagement” with Pat Zerega, Senior Director of Shareholder Advocacy at Mercy Investments and Gergoge Serafeim, Jakursi Family Associate Professor at Harvard […]
#Shifts October/November: New Theses, Markets and Signals Guiding Impact Investors
In this edition of#Shifts, ImpactAlpha’s monthly roundup of ideas and trends driving impact investing: investors look to restore degraded land and back U.K. charities, renewables could boost Ohio’s economy and migration is a boon for host economies. THESES: PROVOCATIVE INVESTMENT PROPOSITIONS Reducing and restoring degraded land. Financing land rehabilitation, sustainable agriculture, ecotourism, and other areas can increase the […]
How Social Enterprises and Impact Investors Can Move the Needle to Achieve the SDGs
Last month the UNDP and Impact Hub organized the first Social Good Summit in Geneva, bringing together impact investors, international organizations and entrepreneurs to discuss how to scale up and finance impact-driven ventures to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There was a great appetite at the summit to exchange ideas. Investors […]
The Social and Environmental Impact of Our Loans
Every year here at Calvert Foundation we release our Impact Report. The report highlights both the social and environmental impact of our loans made in the past fiscal year, showing our current investors the positive change their dollars have made, and showing prospective investors the incredible potential of their dollars in the years to come. […]
US$100 Billion to Finance Climate Triage
Clever Kanga works for the Foundation for Irrigation and Sustainable Development in the central African country of Malawi, working to install solar powered irrigation projects, April 2016. (Photo by Trocaire) Creative Commons license via Flickr. By Sunny Lewis WASHINGTON, DC, November 3, 2016 (Maximpact.com) – Finance is always a hot button issue at the UN’s […]
Six Theses on Saving the Planet
Download the PDF This paper by Richard Smith, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in order to facilitate an informed […]
A Time to Plant: Will You Join Us?
In July, Calvert Foundation launched the Jubilee Assembly, our community of faith-based investors, and introduced me, Jeffrey Dekro, as the new Director of Faith-based Investing. I couldn’t be more honored to step into this role. In my life’s work growing socially responsible, community investment and organizing faith-based investors, Calvert Foundation stands out as one of […]
Why is Nobody Talking About Financial Advisors?
By Tyler Jackson If we want environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors to permeate all layers of the financial system, we need to talk about financial advisors. As Jessica Matthews, head of mission-related investing at Cambridge Associates, said at SOCAP16, “We need to think of advisors as a gateway, rather than a gatekeeper to impact […]
Leading Hedge Fund Manager Moves into SRI – The Minute
Paul Tudor Jones, founder of Tudor Investment, an $11 billion asset management and investment firm, is moving into the socially responsible investment field. The vehicle is JUST Capital, a nonprofit organization that is developing a measure called America’s Most Just Index. That’s a rating that ranks Russell 1000 Index companies on how they treat their […]
After the Election: Can the ‘Impact Economy’ Power Clintonomics? (Podcast)
There’s still a nail-biting week remaining in the presidential election campaign, so it’s possible the Returns on Investment podcast jumped the gun. Nonetheless, in this week’s episode our regular guests look ahead to the potential for impact investing in a possible Clinton administration. “There are going to be huge challenges that she’s going to face […]
Impact Investing in Central America: New Funds, More Support, High Expectations
Promising impact ventures, new impact funds and growing interest from banks, NGOs and high net worth families – impact investing in Central America may finally be poised for takeoff. One place to take stock of the rising level of activity is Antigua, Guatemala, which is gearing up for this month’s second Latin American Impact Investment Forum […]
What Cools the Planet Warms the Heart
Back in September, we blogged that the world’s two biggest global carbon dioxide producers had ratified the United Nations’ landmark climate accord, the Paris Agreement, agreeing to take measures to prevent global average temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Centigrade above pre-industrial levels. Then in October, we told you that enough nations have now […]
Cutting the Carbon Cord: A Tale Of Two Utilities
On the cusp of official “entry into force” of the groundbreaking Paris Agreement on climate change, it’s a great time to take a look at how the United States is positioned to drive the Agreement’s objectives forward. With a recently proposed Integrated Resource Plan from Dominion Resources in Virginia and an agreement struck by Xcel […]
Investing in Impact Enterprises: Three Principles for Newcomers to Impact Investing
Most of us enjoy a good burger. But we sometimes feel guilty about the impact of all that beef on the environment. Should we stop eating our beloved burgers? Tech start-up PastureMap has a different answer. PastureMap created an app that helps farmers plan grazing, raise more beef, make a profit, cut carbon – and […]
‘Not just for profit – but for survival’: CEO Amit Bouri discusses the GIIN’s bold call for all investors to tackle the SDGs
The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) made headlines last month when it launched a rather audacious campaign to mobilize investors behind the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In an impassioned op-ed, GIIN CEO Amit Bouri declared that “this investment is not just for profit – but for survival,” asked that “every investor not already involved make at least one SDG-focused impact investment” – and called on them […]
Africa Investment Forum Debuts at GITEX
ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire, October 25, 2016 (Maximpact.com News) – The African Development Bank has launched the Africa Investment Forum as a meeting place for social impact investors who wish to transact business and deploy funds in Africa. The Forum will showcase bankable projects, attract financing, and provide platforms for investing across multiple countries. Approved by […]
Direct Public Offerings Now Available For Up To $5M
The SEC yesterday issued final rules that increase the aggregate amount of money that may be offered and sold for Direct Public Offerings using the federal exemption from $1 million to $5 million. In conjunction with those rules, the SEC also introduced additional investor protections with rules designed to disqualify “bad actors. Highlights of the Amendments to Rule […]
Green Bond Market Shoots Up
By Sunny Lewis WASHINGTON, DC, October 27, 2016 – (Maximpact.com News) – The green bond market reported a worldwide milestone in August when aggregate green bond issuance topped US$150 billion for the first time since the World Bank issued the inaugural green bond in 2008. It was a US$400 million four-year bond issued in Sweden […]
These New Crowdfunding Sites Seek Social as Well as Financial Returns
When the JOBS Act was signed into law, it was hailed as a major step in democratizing finance and opening up new pools of capital for small businesses, especially those run by women, minorities and social entrepreneurs who have traditionally struggled to raise funding. For the first time, everyone could be an impact investor. So […]
Will Intrastate Crowdfunding Finally be Fixed?
Intrastate crowdfunding is poised to take a giant leap forward next week when the S.E.C give a thumbs up—or down—to important changes proposed to two key exemptions that underlie all state-based crowdfunding activity. The Commission will meet on Wednesday morning to consider whether to adopt rule amendments related to Securities Act Rules 147 and 504 […]
Major Food Companies to Tackle Water Risks In Their Global Supply Chains
As climate change, population growth and water pollution increase pressure on freshwater resources, seven global food and beverage companies today announced commitments to work with thousands of growers in their global supply chains to reduce water use and pollution impacts. The seven companies – Diageo, General Mills, Hain Celestial, Hormel Foods, Kellogg, PepsiCo, and WhiteWave […]
Private Investments In Green Tech Useful Metric In Tracking Progress For Inclusive Growth
The Green Transition Scoreboard® (GTS) highlights the fact that private investments are necessary to complement government funds for transitioning to low-carbon economies as pledged by 195 countries and their INDCs at COP21 and the UN’s SDGs in 2015. The first Green Transition Scoreboard was released during the Copenhagen Climate Summit in Copenhagen in 2009, […]
Trillium Files LGBT Proxy Voting Shareholder Proposal with BlackRock
On October 13, 2016, Trillium Asset Management filed a shareholder resolution with BlackRock asking the company to issue a report discussing its proxy voting on workplace LGBT non-discrimination policy shareholders resolutions. Below is a press release regarding the filing. PRESS RELEASE October 18, 2016 // Boston, MA – Based on an analysis of mutual fund voting, it has […]
Transformation at the Crossroads: Impact Investing in South Africa
South Africa’s Lessons for Impact Investors by Donna Katzin, Executive Director, Shared Interest, a social investment fund that mobilizes the financial and human resources of South Africa’s lowest income communities of color. Since 1994, Shared Interest has helped to create more than 180,000 new small and micro-enterprises, 1.9 million jobs, and 120,000 affordable homes – […]
RSF Prime: Creating Community Through Setting Interest Rates
Does your bank invite you to discuss and provide feedback on interest rates? Learn why RSF does so with its community every quarter. In 2009, RSF began hosting community pricing gatherings for representatives of the RSF Social Investment Fund – investors, borrowers, and RSF staff. We’ve now hosted nearly 30 gatherings and have made many discoveries along […]
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