Where was the fish fillet on my dinner plate caught? Was it mishandled? Is this species endangered? Consumers increasingly want to know the story of their seafood. That has been a market barrier for small-scale fishermen and women, who make up 90 percent of the world’s fishing workforce. The data gaps begin as soon as a […]
ImpactAssets Releases Annual IA 50 Impact Investment Fund Showcase
ImpactAssets has released its 2015 impact investing showcase, the ImpactAssets 50 (IA 50), a free online resource for investors and financial advisors. The fifth annual guide features fund managers representing private debt and equity investments that deliver social and environmental impact as well as financial returns. Fund managers included in the IA 50 2015 manage an estimated […]
Skepticism Greets Oil Industry Statement on Climate Change
By Robert Kropp. Even before member companies of the Oil and Gas Climate initiative issued a statement supporting a climate deal in Paris in December, the Union of Concerned Scientists question the extent of the industry’s commitment.
Wharton: Great Expectations for Financial Returns, but Questions About Mission Preservation
Impact is in the eye of the beholder, or at least in the eye of the fund manager. A new study on the financial performance of private equity impact investments provides fresh data that suggests at least some segments are indeed delivering “market-rate” returns. Moreover, the report, “Great Expectations: Mission Preservation and Financial Performance in Impact Investments,” from the […]
Trillium’s Approach to Shareholder Engagement
OCTOBER 2015: Trillium Asset Management and our clients know that every company, no matter how sustainable, still has environmental and social impacts. Sometimes those impacts are material to the company’s finances and shareholders. They also can be more closely related to the well being of ecosystems, communities, consumers, employees or other stakeholders. In every situation, […]
Justice Department Urged to Investigate Exxon
By Robert Kropp. After two reports identify research into global warming by the oil giant as far back as the 1970s, two members of the House of Representatives call on the Justice Department to investigate the corporation for its campaign to deceive the American public about the risks of climate change.
Where’s the Beef? In Brazil, An Investment in Sustainable Cattle
Brazil’s cattle industry has been targeted as a major contributor to deforestation and climate change. A project to restore the Amazon rainforest through new cattle ranching techniques aims to provide a counter-example. The Althelia Climate Fund, based in Luxembourg, has committed €11.5 million to Novo Campo, a pilot cattle ranching project in the Brazilian state of Mato […]
From Boomers to Millennials: How to Design an Employee Giving Program that Engages All of Your People
We’re approaching that time of year again, when charities start to make end-of-year fundraising asks, and employers launch what, for most, is their annual workplace giving campaign. Before you take that dusty giving campaign playbook off the shelf, you should know that participation in conventional company-led efforts needs improvement. Between 2006 and 2012, America’s Charities […]
Making Fossil Free Investing Work For Canadians
The scientific imperative and growing belief among global leaders, investors, scientists, and large corporations that the use of fossil fuels must be sharply curtailed—if not phased out—for the sake of future generations is driving policy shifts, fuelling growing public divestment movements, and creating interest among institutions, pensions and foundations to eliminate fossil fuels from their […]
Walking Off Wall Street
I have read the Wall Street Journal cover-to-cover nearly every business day for the last 20 years. It’s been a central part of my financial education, and has allowed me to research a myriad of topics that I did not immediately understand. Steadily, I have increased my knowledge of highly specialized financial structures and […]
RSF Social Finance Employee Profile: Tim Green
As part of RSF’s Social Impact Assessment (as mentioned in RSF’s 2014 Annual Report), we ask staff to answer a series of questions about how our organizational culture and organizational purpose impacts them. This is based on the understanding that “self-work” is the foundation for transforming the way the world works with money. The […]
Shareholders Achieve Major Corporate Sustainability Improvements
October 15, 2015 /3BL Media/ – Following another record-breaking season for climate-related shareholder resolutions and company engagements, the sustainability advocacy nonprofit group Ceres today released a report on the implementation of corporate commitments made to shareholders. The analysis found that shareholder resolutions and company dialogues helped spur over 100 corporate commitments in 2014 and 2015 […]
Pope Francis Talks Climate Change in Speech at UN
By Robert Kropp. A global perception of his moral authority may contribute momentum to a meaningful deal at December’s climate talks in Paris.
SOCAP 2015 HIGHLIGHTS – See how Capitalism is Serving the World.
Walk into the Fort Mason building that has housed SOCAP for nearly 10 years – and you will see the buzz. A mix of people who own socially conscious businesses, invest in them, or want to work for them – has descended! I’ve seen it from the start, eight years ago. Perhaps 40 people convened […]
Biomimicry: How Business Learns From Nature
Janine Benyus, founder of Biomimcry 3.8 interviewed by Katherine Collins, founder of Honeybee Capital What does biomimicry have to do with Green Money? Well, everything. Biomimicry is the conscious emulation of nature’s wisdom, a methodology that is based not on harvesting nature but on learning from nature. This approach is beginning to shape our cities, our companies, […]
Rewards, Intrastate, Equity And Angels. This Startup Has Tried it All.
Crowdfunding is still relatively new, and many entrepreneurs are hesitant to take the plunge—if they are aware of it at all. Not Bohemian Guitars. The Atlanta-based company, which makes a quirky line of guitars and other instruments made from oilcans, has tried just about every form of crowdfunding out there—from rewards-based to intrastate to equity. […]
Mary Schapiro: Empowering Investors to Effect Climate-Change Action
Sir, The debate in the Financial Times about climate change, triggered by Bank of England governor Mark Carney’s speech on the risks of climate change for financial stability, merits a broader perspective than just those investing in fossil fuels. The debate has indeed been going for years, but what is new and deserves a closer look in […]
Financing Sustainable Development: a ‘Quiet Revolution’ Underway
By Sunny Lewis LIMA, Peru, October 12, 2015 (ENS) – The world’s top bankers are getting comfortable with what World Bank Vice President and Special Climate Envoy Rachel Kyte calls “a new generation of policy innovations that aim to ensure the financial system serves the needs of inclusive, environmentally-sustainable, economic development.” At the International Monetary […]
A Soil Fund to Sequester Carbon, and Other Items from SOCAP
We’re digging out after four busy days at last week’s SOCAP, the Social Capital Markets conference and found a few more highlight: Manufactured fertilizers, animal feedlots and industrial agriculture drive carbon. Industrial agriculture degrades the oceans through excessive runoff of topsoil from fields and the associated chemical pollution from petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. Carbon-sequestration warriors like Estancia Grass […]
RSF Supports Microfinance with Loan to MCE Social Capital
Maria Ramos operates a small roadside flower shop outside of the Ecuadorian capital of Quito. A mother of two, Maria recently used a loan originated by a MCE Social Capital (MCE) client to purchase new plant pots, which have helped her increase sales. Maria’s story is typical of the types of entrepreneurs that have benefitted […]
Trillium’s Fall 2015 Newsletter is Available for Download
October 2015: The Fall 2015 issue of Trillium’s newsletter Investing For a Better World is now available for download. Articles include: Matt Patsky’s Column: Thinking Capital℠ Goddard College: A Story of Sustainability and Divestment White House Clean Energy Investment Summit Jackson W. Robinson Joins Trillium Trillium Launches New SRI Mutual Fund Global Divest Invest Initiative is […]
RSF Social Finance Fall Quarterly: Are We What We Grow?
In this latest issue of the RSF Quarterly, we highlight farmers and food entrepreneurs who are dedicated to building a healthy food system. Rachel and Steffen Schneider of Hawthorne Valley Farm share insights on farming that is values-based and rooted in culture. In Clients in Conversation, Chris Mann of Guayaki and Rob Everts of […]
2015 Impact Report Launches
Last week a number of us were in San Francisco at the Social Capital Markets conference. It’s an annual gathering of impact investors, wealth advisors, foundations, social entrepreneurs and everyone in between. As always, the panels and plenary speeches were wide-ranging, touching healthcare, storytelling, healthy foods, impact evaluation, conservation, gender equality, and so on. Listening […]
Clean Clothes: Driving Impact With Sustainable Supply Chains
Apparel is a trillion-dollar industry with complex global linkages for supplies, production and distribution, employing tens of millions worldwide. It’s also a source of chemical pollution of water and land, human rights abuses and untraceable supplies. Case in point, the Rana Plaza disaster of 2013. Consumers are waking up. Consumers know that the products they consume or wear do […]
Impact Inventing is a “Thing” and Other Highlights from SOCAP
The Blue Angels “disrupted” the SOCAP, the Social Capital Markets conference, but not enough to chill the animated conversations and discussions. A few highlights: “Impact Inventing” is a thing. The term is what the Lemelson Foundation uses to describe using invention to solve the world’s toughest problems. But invention-based enterprises face unique challenges including lack of […]
New Profits, New Values
$4.7 trillion: that’s the total of assets in the U.S. invested using ESG standards, an amount that grew eight times between 2012 and 2014. With this exponential growth has come a question about transparency. Financial Advisor reports on a recent study by US SIF, a nonprofit organization that represents U.S. organizations, institutions and individuals engaged […]
Disrupting Social Enterprise & Impact Investing: Q&A with the Blue Angels
Deep in thought around bringing money into markets that matter at this year’s SOCAP conference in Ft Mason, San Francisco, impact investors were joined by special guests, the Blue Angels. I caught up with these hotshots to hear their thoughts on emerging fields and get their perspective on the conference. IA – Thank you for agreeing […]
Heard on the Waterfront: Some Takeaways from a Day at SOCAP
ImpactAlpha reporters are fanning out across SOCAP, the Social Capital Markets conference, to catch conversations on sustainability in the supply chain for apparel, healthy food financing, fintech, conservation finance, and yes, the state of impact investing. Here’s some of what they have picked up: Mainstream investors are beginning to see impact investing as a diversification strategy. […]
Blending Public, Private and Philanthropic Capital for ‘Deep Impact’
Collaboration is in the air. Public, philanthropic, and private investors are coming together to finance new inventions, the early stages of a social enterprise, the new set of global development goals and much more. How best to blend capital to meet the needs of social startups and new markets is a hot topic at the annual Social Capital […]
China Plans World’s Largest Carbon Market to Curb Climate Change
By Sunny Lewis BEIJING, China, October 7, 2015 (Maximpact News) – Within two years China will open a national market-based cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse gas emissions from some of its largest industrial sectors, President Xi Jinping announced late last month during his visit to the United States. Carbon emission levels will be capped and […]
Piraeus Bank: a Constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the Second Consecutive Year
Piraeus Bank, following the recent RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment, became for the second consecutive year a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Emerging Markets. Piraeus Bank remains the only company based in Greece to be selected as an index component of the DJSI, an index that tracks the performance of the top 10% of […]
Women and Girls Lead Sustainable Development for All
A remarkable consensus has emerged: Women’s leadership and inclusion is essential for meeting not only UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 — gender equality — but the 16 other global goals as well. The women’s agenda is becoming the global agenda. Women and girls were center stage at last week’s Clinton Global Initiative and this week’s Social Capital […]
Healthy Fisheries are Profitable Fisheries: Blueprints for Impact Investors
Two blueprints for investments in Chile’s struggling fishing industry suggest ways to restore depleted fishing stocks, improve local livelihoods and turn a profit for impact investors. Investing in Sustainable Global Fisheries outlines approaches for small-scale and industrial-scale fisheries in Chile as example of broader opportunities. Encourage Capital, an impact asset management firm, developed the strategies to create economic incentives […]
Social Data Commons (SODA): Connected Data for Social Enterprises
A new data exchange for the emerging social capital market is connecting isolated pockets of information about social enterprises and impact investments. SODA, the SOcial DAta Commons, is either a geeky piece of infrastructure, or a step toward the kind of market liquidity that can unlock private capital for companies that aim to generate positive social and environmental […]
A New Form of Fiscal Sponsorship May Help Social Enterprises Raise Funds
Social enterprises are trying out all sorts of approaches to funding and structuring their ventures. But as for-profits, they are often cut off from grant opportunities (although that is changing). A new form of fiscal sponsorship promises to help fill the gap. A fiscal sponsor is a nonprofit organization that leverages its legal and tax-exempt […]
The Solutions Issue
Green Money Journal’s October 2015 Issue GreenMoney Interviews Series: Janine Benyus of Biomimcry 3.8 interviewed by Katherine Collins of Honeybee Capital Paul Hawken from “Changing of the Gods: Planetary and Human Revolution” (A forthcoming film by Kenny Ausubel of Bioneers) GreenMoney Interviews Series: Jessica Houssian of Women Moving Millions interviewed by Nina Simons of Bioneers […]
Biggest Banks Back Strong Global Climate Deal
By Sunny Lewis NEW YORK, New York, October 2, 2015 (Maximpact News) – Six of the largest U.S. banks have called for a strong, legally-binding universal climate agreement to emerge from the United Nations Paris climate conference in December. The big six – Bank of America, Citi, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells […]
Shifting to Digital, Media Development Investment Fund Taps Al Jazeera Exec
Media Development Investment Fund took another step in its shift toward digital media, naming Mohamed Nanabhay, former head of Al Jazeera English online, as deputy to CEO Harlan Mandel. Nanabhay will lead the non-profit media fund’s digital investment strategy in emerging and frontier markets. From his base in South Africa, he hopes to expand the firm’s African and […]
Uneasy Blend of Investor Expectations: Five Ways to Build Better Capital Stacks
I recently sat around a table of investors charged with finalizing the structure of a global impact fund. I couldn’t help but hear the contradictions that laced the discussion. One public investor had a mandate to “catalyze private capital” but was unable to accept any terms considered subordinate to other investors. Another investor wouldn’t be able […]
Ethics and Profits: ESG Investing Grows in Mainstream Markets
The debate in the investment sector between maximizing returns versus consideration of ethics has taken an historic turn—as in eliminating “versus” and inserting “and,” according to Global Capital. That’s the summary of a report by the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment, based on 50 interviews with investors, lawyers, and regulators. PRI, set up to promote […]
Has Volkswagen Put Other “Sustainable” Brands at Risk?
The broadsheets and social media are currently rife with commentary about the dramatic fall from grace of one of the world’s largest and most trustworthy automotive brands: Volkswagen. The fallout is massive. This means billions in losses for the company. The CEO has resigned and it remains to be seen what the legal and long-term […]
What’s Next for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?
John Buckley, BNY Mellon’s global head of CSR, reflects on the adoption of the UN’s sustainable development goals and discusses why rule of law and social finance are critical to their success. SOURCE: BNY Mellon DESCRIPTION: This past weekend marked an important milestone in tackling the world’s development challenges: the United Nations (UN) General Assembly […]
Bank of America Launches Directory Listing Sources of Capital for Small Businesses
Directory Designed to Create More Awareness of Available Funding SOURCE: Bank of America DESCRIPTION: CHARLOTTE, N.C., October 1, 2015 /3BL Media/ – Bank of America announced today the launch of an online community development financial institution (CDFI) directory to connect small businesses to more capital. This nationwide directory, www.bankofamerica.com/cdfi, will enable entrepreneurs and small business owners […]
An Impact Investor’s Journey From Appalachia to Silicon Valley and Back
These days, you can often find Kevin Doyle Jones out walking with his dog, Izzy, on the sprawling 16-acre farm in western North Carolina that he now calls home. It’s a long way from the money and tech epicenter of San Francisco, where Jones runs a social impact fund, oversees the Impact Hubs he helped […]
Bloomberg’s New Tool Integrates Water Risk Considerations in Equity Valuation Process
Bloomberg Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Data and Tools SOURCE: Bloomberg DESCRIPTION: Originally posted on Justmeans. Bloomberg offers a suite of ESG data, tools and research on the terminal. The newest addition is the Water Risk Valuation Tool – a practical, high-level demonstration tool that illustrates how water risk can be incorporated into company valuation […]
Impact Investing Picks Up Speed
Green Money Journal’s September 2015 Issue In the Right Place Now: Impact Investing By Amy Domini, founder of Domini Social Investments and partner in The Sustainability Group Impact Investing: Aligning Capital with the Conservation of Nature By Mark R. Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy GreenMoney Interview Series: Hunter Lovins, president […]
Achieving Impact! 2015 – Community Investment in Canada
TORONTO, Sept. 29, 2015 /3BL Media/– In 2014, 36 LBG Canada companies invested $428 million dollars in community. When including funds leveraged from external stakeholders, this total increases to $551 million dollars. Over the course of the next two days, 65 community investment professionals will gather at the RBC Centre for Achieving Impact! 2015, the annual national […]
ImpactSpace Fellowship Program
The ImpactSpace Fellowship is celebrating its second year! Applications for next year’s cohorts are now open. The fellowship, which lasts three to six months, is designed to help fellows explore the latest developments and trends in impact investing, with an eye to study or research specific topics. Material produced may also be published on our website. We offer […]
What To Feed the Fish?
Experts say that we are running out of food for the fish that we eat every day. What should we feed the fish? Can the aquaculture industry, the engine of a growing fish farm industry and its pantry, respond to the demand? After all, costs are rising, weather is irregular, and supply is limited. Absolutely, […]
As the Colorado River Runs Dry, Impact Investors Seek Water Solutions
The Colorado River, which supplies water to 35 million people and four million acres of irrigated agriculture across seven states (plus two in Mexico), is running dry after 15 years of drought. That’s both a problem and an opportunity for impact investors. A new report lays out a menu of approaches through which private capital […]
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